Saw Lloyd Shirtless

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I bet you guys will fangirl at this because this is quite different to other fanfics that Lloyd is shirtless. Anyway I don't want to spoil anything so let's get straight to the story!

I literally fangirled while writing it and picturing it, just want to share...


Lloyd's POV

I was woken up by Y/N's alarm on her phone, I open my eyes and see her head resting on my bare chest. I smiled and brushed her hair, She must forgotten to turn off her alarm, I thought. I grab her phone and turn off her alarm, I put down her phone and look at her. I never thought she looks pretty when she's sleeping, I thought and chuckled. I try to get out off bed without waking her up, but she put one her hand on me. I heard her moan slightly and change her position, her back facing me. I gave Y/N a peck on her cheek and took a shower.


I woken by a sound of someone taking a shower, I try to sleep it off but can't. I turn around to see Lloyd but he wasn't there, I hug his pillow and nuzzle my face to it. His pillow smelled like him, I thought and try to sleep.

When I was starting to fall asleep again, I heard the cabinet open. I look up and saw Lloyd getting his Gi, which is on the right end of the cabinet. He was looking at the left. He was about to look on the other side until his towel fall... My eyes widen seeing his exposed butt, he quickly grab his towel and tie it on his waist.

Feeling my face heating up, I put my head on his pillow again. Oh My God, Oh my god! OH. MY. GOOODDD! I just saw his butt, Lloyd's freaking ass! Y/N just calm down, you just only saw his butt, not his dick. If I saw his dick, I will literally explode. But yet again, I think I will enjoy the view... What am I thinking?! Stop being Green Minded Y/N! Stop thinking about Lloyd's butt or his dick!

I took up again and saw Lloyd wearing his pants, I took a relief sigh. Lloyd turn around, put his top Gi and I was looking at his abs... I was admiring his abs and didn't know that Lloyd was looking at me

"Like the view, Y/N?" He asked

"Ummm.... I, ahh...." I was speechless, Lloyd didn't even bother to cover it. I bury my face on his pillow "Please cover it before I explode..." I beg

"Fine, this was just a revenge from yesterday" Lloyd said and I look up, he was putting his top Gi

"Really revenge?" I said with a "areyouserious" look

"Yep, and you kept teasing me that I was jealous about yesterday" He said trying to defend himself

"Because you are really jealous, you're lucky that I didn't tell Kai that you were jealous or else he would possibly tease you for the whole month" I said and sat up, still hugging his pillow. Lloyd was going to say something but closes his mouth, hr grab his shoes and sat at the bed "Cat got your tongue?" I said teasingly

"Don't start with it Y/N" He said and put on his shoes. I chuckled, I hug him from the back and kiss him in the cheek

"Hey Lloyd" I said


"Why do you have a cute butt?" I asked and his face starting to turn red. I laugh

"You really have to asked that?" He said. I quickly got out of bed and started to run away, which he is started to chase me

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