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Hey NinjagoLovers,
I need your help with this, I have a picture for the upcoming chapter where Regina will appear. I need you guys to choose which is the best fashion for this. Who ever had the highest vote will be use, I had a little help with a friend of mine jungkookie105149 / jenjen105149 (she has 2 accounts) and from my mom. I'll show you guys the pictures, I edit it last night and today. And I know is screenshot but it can't be post because it says this is more than 10mb.
⬇️This was pick by jungkookie105149 / jenjen105149

⬇️ By my mom

⬇️ And by me

I will give you guys weeks to pick so, Take some time to choose. And guess what I'm talking about only Jenjen knows about this.
Pls Jenjen don't tell them....



This is the clothes that Lloyd will wear

Bye NinjagoLovers!!!


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