Identity Exposed?

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"Y/N! Let's go to Forever 21" Scarlett beg as a child and drag me to the shop. The boys following us

This is the first time me and the workers ever went out together, and for the first time my day off landed at their day off. I never actually step foot to Ninjago Mall ever since the last time I remember. They all decided that we all head out, to have fun. Me and Scarlett are the only girls in the group and 3 guys with us which are James, Kai (Not 'the' Kai Smith) , and Ali. Me, Kai and Ali never actually talk to each other, all three of us doesn't have any communication at work. Kai and Ali are always the chiefs and I'm always at the cashier, so we never met ways

Scarlett handed me a pile of clothes to me and went out to look for more. "Woah Scarlett. Don't rampage the store!"

"Don't care. Must get this before Sale ends" She reasoned and continue on what she's doing

I sigh as I follow her "Is she always like that?"

"Yep. You should get used to her" James said and went straight first.

Man. Why does Scarlett always remind me of B/F/N? The way she acts. The way she talk and the way she thinks. But the only thing she didn't got from her is being a huge fan of K-pop.

"Shouldn't you be looking for clothes too? Most girls like those kinds" Ali ask next to me. His brunette short hair bouncing on his shoulder as he walks

"Well Ali. I'm not most girls" I replied

"Really? You seems like you have taste to it because of the way you style your clothes with your leather jacket. And are you not getting hot?" He explained, turning to me

"Is just a taste and no I'm not getting hot. Because I'm already cold and ugly" I said

He snorted and both of us continue following the hazelnut haired girl who is rampaging the store. A lot of people are looking at us, weirdly. But we don't care. Scarlett went over to me and handed me another pile of clothes, nearly blocking my view. Who thought Scarlett act worse than B/F/N? Like I said, she acts like B/F/N but doesn't like K-Pop but she is so much worse. Scarlett went in the women's dressing room and grab some clothes to try in to. The boys sat outside to wait and do whatever boys do this days. I lean on the wall as I wait for her, pile of clothes in my hand. Clothes was thrown outside and as for me, I'm handing the clothes to her. After doing this torture, it finally come to an end, the curtains opens and Scarlett went out.

"So what do you think?" She ask and twirl. She's wearing a crop black backless lace top with short white jeans shorts.

"You look like a slut"

"Oh come on!" She groan like a kid

"Literally, you look like a slut. Ask the boys" I suggested.

Scarlett went out and I stood up from my sit. I look out to see Kai's blushing and them saying she looks like a slut. Scarlett went back to the dressing room with a pout on her face and change to another set of clothes.

After an hour, Scarlett is done trying the clothes and already picked. All of us are heading to Chen's Noodle House to eat and to talk. All of us talk and laugh as we made are way there, laughing about some jokes that Ali and James saying and me and Kai are talking about politics.

"Y/N" A soft sweet woman voice called for me from behind. We turn around to see the mother of the Green Ninja, walking towards us

"Misako. Hey. Well this is a coincidence" I greeted

"Hey, Y/N" I turn behind "We'll wait for you at the Noodle House" Kai said and head there with the others

"Sure" I agreed and turn to Misako "How's Lloyd?"

"His doing great. Finally eating" She said. We started to walk "Say. What did you said to Lloyd that night?"

"Hmmm" I humed. Thinking the things I said to the Blondie and also choosing the words carefully to not to spill that Lloyd is self-harming. Misako has gone through enough with his son suffering "That Garmadon is proud on what he became but pains him seeing Lloyd hurting. Also, I threatened him by burning the comics and Starferer merchandise he has if he doesn't eat"

Misako chuckles "The only way to make him eat" She stopped walking, making me to stop also. She grab my hands and said "Thank you Y/N"

"Misako. No need to thank you. I only did it what I have to do"

"But still, thank you" She said once again. I reply back with a smile, a sign of 'you're welcome'. Misako let go of my hand "You should go. I don't want your friends be waiting forever"

I nodded "I will. Take care" I hug her for a few seconds and pull away "Say hi to the team for me"

"I will" She said and I walk off to the Noodle House. Now I should be ready their questions and my ears. I reach the Noodle House and greeted by Skylor. I greeted back and went to the table where my co-workers are. As as I sat down, they bomb the questions.

"How do you know her?"
"Are you two close?"
"Did you see the Ninja?"
"What did you two talk about?"

I raise my hands, gesturing stop and shaking them "Guys! Calm down"

"You think we'll calm down? You just talked with the mother of the Green Ninja!" Ali exclaimed

"Yeah!" They all agreed

"Fine" I sigh "To answer all your questions. Yes. I do know her, we are close and I did saw the Ninjas"

"So what did you two talk about?" Kai asked, eyes sparkling

"Is personal. Only the Ninjas and me knows about it" I explained

"Why not?" Scarlett wined

"Is because is personal" I repeated

They all wined and they eat in disappointed. I started to eat to until I saw James perked up next to me, like a light bulb lighten up above his head "Are you the purple Ninja?"

"Why you ask?" I raised an eyebrow

"I mean you didn't go to work for at least a whole week and didn't made an appearance in the war" James explained. I hummed and continue eating my noodles

"Are you going to answer?" Kai asked

"You guys figure it out. James already told you the hints" I hinted

"So... You're the purple Ninja?" Ali asked, his chopsticks pointing to me

"Maybe" I cock my head as I drink my water "Maybe not"

"So you are the purple ninja!" Kai shouted, making the people look at us

Ali hit him at the back of the head "Keep it down, Kai"

"You know what. You guys figure it out" I wiped my mouth and stood up.

"Where're you going?" James ask

"Going home. I still have to do somethings" I reasoned. Honestly, I don't have things to do. Just want to go home and make them think if I'm her. I went to Skylor to pay

"Looks like you have to explain them after they solved the problem" She said

"Yeah I would" I said and handed her the money

"And you need to tell them to keep this a secret" She added

"I know" I sigh. She handed me the change "Thanks Sky". I bid goodbye to her and went out

I should be ready for tomorrow to what ever they'll be doing to me at work.

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