A Glimpse of the Power Within

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"They took Lloyd," I exclaimed, bursting into the bounty with a bloody nose, gasping for breath.

The guys immediately halted their activities, their faces contorting with surprise as my words hung in the air. The room fell into a sudden silence, broken only by the sound of my labored breathing. Their expressions quickly shifted from confusion to concern, a mix of worry and determination evident in their eyes.

"What? Who took him?" Kai asked, his voice filled with urgency.

"I don't know who, but we have to find Lloyd and bring him back," I pleaded, my voice filled with worry and urgency.

Cole stepped closer, trying to calm me down. "Take a deep breath, Y/N. Tell us exactly what happened."

Trying to steady my thoughts, I began to explain the events. "We were attacked by those same dark people who had targeted the Jamanakai village a month ago. They ambushed us and trapped us with a chain net made of some strange material, maybe vengestone," I explained. "Our powers were useless, and we couldn't do anything to defend ourselves. We were completely stuck and helpless."

The room fell silent as my friends absorbed the seriousness of the situation. The fact that our abilities were neutralized made it even more dire.

"Then," I continued, my voice trembling slightly, "they injected something into Lloyd. He immediately lost consciousness. Before I could react, the girl who was with them punched me, and I passed out."

A wave of emotions swept through the air as my friends absorbed the information - anger, concern, and worry mingling together. I could see it in their expressions and feel it in the tense atmosphere around us.

"Nya, Zane, I need you to focus on locating Lloyd based on his last known whereabouts," Master Wu instructed, his voice filled with wisdom and authority. "The rest of you, gather any information we have on the people who attacked the Jamanakai village. We need to understand their motives and what we're up against."

Without a moment's hesitation, the team sprang into action, each member taking on their assigned tasks.

"And Y/N, come with me," Master Wu said, his voice calm yet commanding. Without hesitation, I obeyed.

As we walked through the corridor, Master Wu leading ahead and me just behind him, I could sense an air of mystery surrounding our mission. Master Wu glanced at me and asked, "Y/N, tell me, do you know anything about the Purple Ninja's elemental powers and abilities?"

"With the six elements I have and the sword, that's the only thing I know of," I answered, feeling a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "How does this help us in finding Lloyd?"

"You'll see," Master Wu replied, leading me into his room. Gesturing for me to sit down, I took a seat while he walked towards his desk, gathering tea and herbs.

"The Purple Ninja possesses a unique ability to master multiple elements," Master Wu began, his voice filled with wisdom. "Similar to the Green Ninja, they have the power to control primary elements, but with an added level of mastery."

As Master Wu approached me with a tray holding a pot of tea and two cups, he continued to explain, "While the Green Ninja can control the primary elements, the Purple Ninja has the ability to control both primary and a few subelements. However, with this mastery, there also comes a downside."

Pouring tea into the cup, I listened intently, feeling a mix of shock and awe. The concept of subelements and the revelation that there were more elements than we knew of left me speechless. "There are more elements than four????" I questioned, my eyes widening in astonishment.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now