Winter Formal [PT. 2]

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Song: Forevermore

By: Juris

Press play when I give the signal

F/D - Favorite Drink



The group arrived at the venue 30 minutes late due to the rush hour. However, despite the delay, they had an incredible time inside the limo. The spacious interior of the vehicle allowed them to let loose and enjoy each other's company.

With the vibrant LED lights illuminating the space, the group danced and sang along to their favorite tunes playing from the state-of-the-art sound system.

As they stepped out of the limo, Dareth, the chauffeur, opened the door for the teenagers with a courteous smile. Dressed in a stylish brown suit and matching hat, he looked every bit the part of a professional driver.

As Y/N stepped out of the limo, she stumbled on her heels, losing her balance. Lloyd, quick to react, reached out and caught her just in time, preventing her from falling.

"Whoa, careful there," Lloyd said, a hint of concern in his voice as he steadied Y/N. His hand gently grasped hers, providing both support and reassurance. "You okay, babe?"

Y/N, slightly flustered but grateful for Lloyd's assistance, managed a small smile. "Yeah, just not used to wearing heels," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment.

Lloyd chuckled softly, his eyes filled with adoration as he looked at Y/N. "Well, you're doing great," he reassured her. "But maybe we can take it slow and steady, just to be safe."

"Thanks for the ride, Dareth," Y/N said, expressing her gratitude to their helpful team member.

Dareth grinned, his eyes gleaming with a sense of camaraderie. "Of course, anything for the team," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

Lloyd offered his arm for Y/N to cling to, she blushed and gratefully wrapped her arm around his. They walked inside the venue, side by side, their steps synchronized.

As they stepped inside the venue, Y/N's eyes widened in awe at the sight before her. A grand staircase stood before them, adorned with a white arch and surrounded by pine trees dusted with artificial snow. The thick layer of cotton at the base of the trees created a whimsical winter wonderland atmosphere.

But what truly added to the enchantment were the delicate white lights that wrapped around the staircase's railings, casting a soft, ethereal glow. The lights seemed to twinkle like stars, creating a magical ambiance that filled the air.

As they approached, Y/N noticed two tables off to the side. One table was for presenting tickets, while the other held an array of masks for guests to choose from.

Y/N couldn't contain her excitement as she pointed out the masks to Lloyd. "Looks like they have masks," she said, a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes.

"Looks like they have masks" Y/N pointed out.

Lloyd let out a sigh of relief. "Good. No fangirls will chase me," he remarked with a grateful smile, appreciating the chance to enjoy the event without being constantly recognized. And he could focus on the mission at hand and make the most of his time with his girlfriend.

Excitedly, they walked over to the tables and presented their tickets to the attendant. With a smile, the attendant handed them each a mask, inviting them to choose from the array of options laid out before them. There were masks of all shapes and designs, from elegant Venetian masquerade masks adorned with feathers and intricate patterns to whimsical animal masks with vibrant colors and playful expressions.

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