Ninja Roll

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After what happened last night, I couldn't get out of my room. I just wish I didn't pretended to be someone I'm not, I wish I told them right away. I just wish I could go back at the time this tournament started and told them. I just wish I told Lloyd about this and explain everything. Wait, I did explain but didn't told him the important details why I did it. Is the same thing his dad did. The evil is in his veins before, he couldn't control himself. Is the same thing as me. The darkness controlled me and I controlled it the last minute. I just wish I told this to Lloyd, but is too late.

I let out a deep sigh and got up my bed, my eyes are swollen after crying the whole night. I went to the bathroom, took a bath, I put on my clothes and dried my hair. As soon did those things, I grab a new leather jacket and head to Skylor and Jacob match. Before I got there, I grab a snack from the kitchen and teleported to where it was held. The masters are at the balcony, watching the match. I walk behind them, and going to sit at the end.

"Hey Y/N" Shade greeted, I smile as a response "You can sit here with me"

"Is alright, I'll sit at the end" I said

"Well that's not a good idea" He said and I gave him a confused face. I look at the end and Lloyd is sitting

"I'll sit here" He made a space for me to sit "Thanks"

"So how are you?" He said, starting a conversation

"Fine but broken in the inside" I said "Shade, I'm sorry that I nearly killed your sister. I'm really sorry"

"Is fine, E/N kinda deserve it" He said. We watch the match quietly, well not quietly.

Lloyd's blubbering about them being a team and Garmadon explaining him that Skylor's element is Amber. Yeah right, a team. Is was a mistake for being here. Jacob grab a blow darts and tried to hit Skylor but she dodge and the darts hit the paper wall. Skylor broke a vase and grab the Jadeblade.

"Yes! Go Skylor!" Kai cheered

"Winner! Loser!" Chen announced and press the button. Jacob fall down the trap door. I hope the Tournament of Elements has entertained you as much as it has me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone fancy jewels and untold shiny things" He pulls out a box of jewels and the elemental masters cheered "But then in yesterday's battle, Master Jay and Cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight each other. And that made me very upset. For their insubordination, all of your fancy quarters will be taken away, and tonight everyone and tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house. That is all. Thank you, you can go" Chen said.

I tensed as soon he said we will be sleeping at the chow house. You gotta be kidding me, right? I can't sleep there, or else I'll be in pain. I just wish Katsumi taught me on how to control the pain. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I slightly jump.

"Look, everything's going to be alright. You won't feel the pain" Shade assured me

"How did you know that?" I ask and we stood up

"I notice that when an elemental master loses, every night you groan in pain so I knew about it. And your room is next to mine" Shade explain "And I stole this" He gave me a black ring that has a dragon design.

"When did you stole this?" I ask and put the ring in on my middle finger. It was a little big and it glowed, the ring shrunk and it was now perfectly fit "What the?"

"It's Vengestone ring and it's enchanted. Made from titanium and Vengestone that are mix together" He explained. I admired the ring and I tried to made fire out of my hand and nothing came out.

"Thanks Shad" I said and look at him

"No prob. And your eyes are now back to E/C" He said

"I'll give this to you as soon as possible so you can give this to your special someone" I said

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