Ghost Story

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Credits to the same person who made the Ghost Suit!


Master Wu ordered the boys to be in their position, ready to stop Morro. I look at the screen, seeing the red dot that is getting near, flying in fast speed. I look back to the guys, seeing them scared. Scared if they hurt their friend or worse kill him. If I didn't left immediately, I can still help Lloyd. I heard a dragon roar in the distance, making me head to the back window of the bounty. To see Morro went through the clouds, with a corrupted version of Lloyd's dragon.

As I saw the dragon, I quickly run out the deck and jump down the bounty. I summon my Elemental Dragon and disappear. I flew to Morro, unnoticed. Before Morro shot the bounty, my dragon fired and hit the side. Making the dragon roar in pain. I made myself appear and I can tell behind his mask that he's growling. I started to fly at him, fast. I fired again but this time, he dodge. As he dodge, I let lightning went through my arm and hit Morro. Earning a groan from him. He sent me a death glare at me and raise his arm. I wondered for a sec what he is doing, until I can feel a strong wind revolving around me. Like me being inside a tornado. Before he did something worse, I controlled the wind and flew right through it with a grunt. My dragon hit his dragon and I flew to him, both of us fall from the dragon. Both of us started to fight as we went down.

"Give Lloyd back!" I snarled

"I don't know how you know me but I will never give back Lloyd until I got what I want!" He yelled through the wind and knee me on the chest.

My breath escape from the hit, making me let go. I saw him summon his dragon and look at me, before flying to the bounty. I regain my breath and started to summon my dragon. But it won't summon on my will. I hit my fist on my palm to summon but it won't work.

"Work!" I ordered.

I turn around and see me going to a pile of rocks. I put my fist on my palm again and close my eyes, to locate a shadow but I couldn't locate any. I open my eyes and see me nearing to fall to the rocks. Wave of fear flooded through me. Thinking if this is literally how I'm going to die. No! This isn't how I'm going to die! I must contain my fear. Control it. Yeah. Control it. I close my eyes and took a deep breath, to try summon my dragon again. I open my left eye and take a peak, but this time I'm so near the rocks. I close my eyes tight and ready for the impact. But I felt arms grab my wrist and held me tight.

I open my eyes and saw Morro holding me, but I can feel is not Morro, is Lloyd. He summoned his elemental dragon and I spoke after "Lloyd?"

"Y...Y/N...Go..." He whispered between groans.

I held his hand and plead, looking at his eyes. Changing to Black to green then to black. "Lloyd, you can fight this. I know you can"

"Y/N...Please....Go..." He plead

I tighten my grip on his hand and then said, "You're stronger than him, Lloyd"

"I-I can't hold him back m-much longer, ple-please go. For me..." He pleaded

"I can't leave you!" I croaked

He cuff his hand on my cheek and stroke it with his thumb, his eyes turned emerald green and he took of his mask. Showing his smile. He gave me a short passionate kiss and pulled away, then he said "Please..."

I held his hand on my cheek and said "Promise me you'll fight back?"

"I promise..." He answered, "Go"

Before I left, I brush my lips to him and teleported to the bounty. Leaving him and hoping for him to be back soon...


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