🎪🎢 🎡 💏

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I know I said in my Author's Note that I'm going to make 3-4 Chapters but is now off my limit. But the 🍋 will still continue. So for those who are innocent, please skip it and for those who are not... I'll call my Okaasan (not literally my mom, just a best friend) when I made it so she could bless for those who are no longer innocent. She will wash away your sins!!! Anyways, let's get straight to it and this chapter doesn't have the 🍋

P. S
I couldn't think if a title so I just use emojis to explain


"And I thought we'll literally go to Neverland" Lloyd mumble as we got off from my motorcycle

"I think you've been reading to much story books Lloyd" I teased.

The parking of The Mega Monster Amusement Park is crowded, cars here and there. From outside, I could see the rides and the screams of the people from the roller coaster. After the incident that happened last year, who thought that this place is still standing. I mean, the damage that the lava literally and nearly destroy the whole Theme Park. And to my surprise, more rides are added. The old ones still standing and the new roller coaster, I really want to try it!

Both of us went to where the ticket booth is and bought at least enough tickets for both of us, Lloyd was going to pay but I stop him. He already bought me my favorite Ice Cream (that I didn't finished) so is my treat. We went inside and stop in front the Map of the Amusement Park. And I was right, there are new rides.

"So... what do you want to go first?" I asked

"I don't know" Lloyd said, still looking at the map

"Monster Roller Coaster?" Both of us said

"Double Jinx!"
"Triple Jinx!"

It took us a second to say the next one but he's the first said "Fourth jinx!"

I groan in defeat as I stump my foot "Goddamnit!"

Lloyd laugh and grab my hand "Come on"

We went to the line (which is short than the rest because of the height of it and the new rails of it) and I look up to the ride. Bunch of loops, curves and up and downs. I can hear the screams of fear of people as they went down. I gulp

I'm not going to ride that thing!

"L-Lloyd, I have to pee" I stammered in fear. I was going to walk away but Lloyd grab the hem of my jacket and pull me

"Nope" The blondie disagree with popping the 'p' "I know what you're doing"

"But I really have to pee" I beg, lying

"No buts!" He didn't let go of my jacket, making me slip it off. I was starting to walk away but me being sometimes a slow folk, Lloyd grab my shirt instead "Nah ah ah"

I pout and cross my arms "You're acting like a old man Lloyd"

"And you're acting like a kid" He protest

"Says the person who doesn't feels like a kid himself" I protest back.

"Not biologically and you don't know anything about me"

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now