Beach Vacation [Pt. 4]

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Last chapter of the book but I'm going to make it long for you guys


Song: A Thousand Years
           By Christina Perri

Play the song when I say so, for now read. :)

F/N - Funny Nickname
B/F/C/N - Best Friend's Crush Name


Morning sunshine came in by the window and the chirping of the birds join in. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and hot breaths on my neck. I smiled and bring my hand on my boyfriend's hand, I slowly took off and slowly place it down. I quickly and quietly got up. I started to tiptoe away from the bed but before I took a step, someone grab my hand and pull me back to bed.

"Ah!" I yelped and sat in bed.

"Don't go" Lloyd groggily responded and pull me back down, making me face him.

I place my hand on his face and responded, "Lloyd, I have to go. I need to cook breakfast for all of us"

"Let them cook, they know how to cook for themselves. Just stay here, you're my whole course meal" He reasoned and hide his face on my chest.

"But babe"

"No buts. And your breasts are so soft that can make me fall asleep" Blondie responded and buried his face on my breasts.

I sighed and let him be.

Since yesterday is tiring and most of us stayed up late because we binge watch, this is the out come. Jay and Kai got hit on the face by the volleyball, leaving Jay a bump on his face and Kai can't barely move his jaw. Is actually my fault why they have that on their face. A group of girls are making fun of the three of us, Nya, B/F/N and I. And saying we're sluts because we are out with the boys. So I got pissed and kinda spiked the ball way to hard.

Is 3v3, me, Nya and B/F/N vs. Lloyd, Jay and Cole. And I don't get why B/F/N said what happened to the two is like what happened in Haikyu!!! Episode 2. But without the wig.

My face immediately went red as soon Lloyd started to kiss my cleavage, as well licking on it.

"Lloyd!" I yelled and immediately cover my mouth.

Lloyd look up with a cheeky smile and asked, "Yes, my darling?"

"D-don't do that" I responded, looking away.

"What? This?" He continue to lick my cleavage while looking me, him having a teasing smile. I hit him on the head, making him stop and held his head. "Ow... that hurts"

"That's what you get by doing that to me!" I scold.

"Well, that's what you get by wearing my original Starferer shirt" He argued.

"What can you do? Is comfortable" I reasoned.

"Really? How comfortable?" He questioned.

"Very comfortable that I don't wanna give it back to you" I stated and run out of the room.

"Hey! Come back here!" Lloyd yelled and tried to chase me but his feet got tangled on the blanket, making him fall on the ground face first.

And is true, wearing Lloyd's shirts are comfortable and not gonna lie, is feels like he's always hugging me through the shirt. And the scent of the shirts smelled just like him, it made me obsessed with it. This is why I love wearing his shirts.

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