Winter Formal [PT. 1]

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B/F/M/N - Best Friend's Mom's Name


After weeks of training and preparation, today is the day of the Winter Formal. I can't help but feel a mix of tension and nerves. This is the moment when Regina will finally reveal herself to me and answer all the burning questions I have about why she wanted me to suffer so much for four years and what she truly wants from me. It's time to put an end to her evil doings once and for all.

But aside from the confrontation with Regina, I can't shake off my nervousness. The thought of revealing my true identity as the person behind the Purple Ninja's Mask weighs heavily on my mind. I worry about how people will react, whether they'll see me in a negative light or, worst of all if it puts others in danger. Over time, I've been spotted on the battlefield, fighting alongside the Ninjas, and it's natural for people to wonder if I have any connections with them.

The Winter Formal is set to take place at Patty Keys, starting at 7 pm and lasting until midnight. We have a solid five hours to navigate the event, search for Regina among the crowd, and execute our plan.

The plan is simple: Lloyd and I will attend the Winter Formal to find Regina in the crowd. But there's a catch - Lloyd is the Green Ninja, so people will naturally want to talk to him, which could distract us from our mission. Also, B/F/N and B/F/C will be at our table, making us seem vulnerable. But don't worry, our team will be ready to back us up with their weapons and skills if Regina attacks. Mission Impossible style.

I'm a bit nervous about the mission, but I'm also really excited because this is technically my first prom. I never got to go to any school events before because of my difficult home situation. But now that I'm free from my dad's control, I finally feel safe and ready to enjoy this special night with Lloyd.

On a separate note, I can't help but wonder about E/N. Ever since she kidnapped Lloyd, we haven't heard a word from her, leading us to suspect her close involvement with Regina. It's unsettling to think that she might be my cousin, and I can't help but cringe at the thought.

For now, we are going to get ready for the event, leaving us at least 7 hours to get ready and go over the plan again. Nya and I make our way toward B/F/N's house with the clothes I bought a few weeks ago. Nya decided to tag along so she could help us prepare as well.

I wasn't able to mention this to B/F/N so there is a high chance she's going to fangirl. May the First Spinjitzu Master protect our ears from my best friend's high pitch screams since she'll be meeting Nya.

I rang the doorbell and turned my head to Nya, a slight nervousness in my expression.

"I apologize if B/F/N makes your ears bleed," I said to Nya, a hint of concern in my voice.

Nya chuckled and reassured me, "Relax, I bet she won't squeal that much."

A small smile crossed my face as I replied, "Oh, trust me, she will."

As we waited, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed from inside the house. Finally, the door swung open, and B/F/N's eyes widened in excitement as they locked onto Nya.

"B/F/N, meet Nya Smith. Kai's sister," I introduced, trying to keep my voice steady. "And Nya, meet B/F/N, my best friend."

Nya reached out her hand and greeted, "Hi! It's so good to finally meet you, B/F/N."

B/F/N, unable to contain her excitement, trembled as she tried to shake Nya's hand.

Nya turned to me, her face filled with concern, and asked, "Is she okay?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at Nya's worried expression. "Don't worry, she's just a little dazed," I reassured her.

Finally regaining her composure, B/F/N stammered out, "H-hi, Nya! It's, uh, great to meet you too!"

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