Battle of Stiix

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I wanna shoutout to my friend, gunz_n_roses for helping me for this chapter and making the half of the extra chapter in the end, and make sure to follow her because she creates wonderful drawings. Hope you Enjoy the chapter! And happy birthday to lloydxryley4life !


The Ninja started to move away from the fallen and broken shop, staring at the creature that is coming out of the portal. All of them has a struck of fear in their faces as they look at the green Eyeball like creature. Ghosts are coming out of it's "mouth" and her tentacles are moving around. The citizens at Stiix started to flee to the docks, away from the Queen of the Cursed and from the ghosts. At the docks, the mother of the Green Ninja and their Master are evacuating the people to safety.

"Lloyd couldn't destroy the Realm Crystal. The Preeminent has arrived" Said Wu.

"But where's my son?" Asked the mother, Misako.

Ronin arrived the docks, leading a group of people to the docks.

"We need to evacuate everyone out of this town. Like now!" The ex-thief demanded.

The Ninja stare at the Queen who is able to get out of the portal.

"What is that thing?" Kai questioned, looking at the Preeminent.

"She's the Preeminent. The physical manifestation of the entire Cursed Realm" Zane answered.

"I know one thing, she ain't pretty" Cole commented.

"Ew, gross! I'm about to lose my lunch" Jay cringed.

"She looks like a huge eyeball... Ew..." Y/N groused.

"If we can't stop that, we might lose Ninjago!"

Nya sprays Water on the Preeminent but nothing happened. Except one of the tentacles that Nya hit came at the siblings, Nya made a water bubble around her and Kai jumped to avoid the tentacle but landed on it. A group of tentacles cam attacking them and the Ninja attack but it didn't give any effect on it. They all tried attacking the mouth of the beast but it didn't have any effect on it as well.

"She didn't noticed that" Zane said.

"Oh, I hate unbeatable creatures." Jay groaned as he is still being chased by a tentacle.

In the meantime, Ronin, Wu, and Misako are evacuating the people to the paddle steamer. As they do so, Mikaso saw a person on tentacle, holding the Realm Crystal.

"Look, it's Lloyd!" Misako pointed out.

Both Wu and Ronin look at the direction where Misako is pointing and knew it wasn't Lloyd.

"That's not Lloyd" Ronin replied.

"It's Morro" Wu finished.

Morro laughs menacing and confronts, "You were wrong about me, Sensei. You said destiny didn't want me to be the Green Ninja. Well, I make my own destiny. And now yours is coming to an end"

"You've released this scourge and it won't stop until it has cursed all Sixteen Realms. I trained you to be a Ninja who protects, not one who destroys" Growled Wu.

"You made me believe I was to become the Green Ninja. Now I am!" Morro shouted and his Master's tentacles grab Misako.

"Wu!" Misako called out.


"The more souls the Preeminent takes, the bigger she gets. Say goodbye to your loved ones, and say goodbye to Ninjago!" Morro threatened. Wu started to chase towards Misako, to get her back.

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