Meeting the Team [Part 1/2]

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I sat in the most hated subject in all of Ninjago, Math. Me was going in and out of sleep several times, making me just wanna yeet out of class. Despite having the class last an hour, it takes like a hundred years for it to be over. I tap my pencil on the notebook, and my chin resting on my palm, barely listening in class.

Why does math has to be the most hardest subject of all?

A piece of paper hit the back of my head and I looked behind me, seeing my jerk ass classmates teasing me. I just sighed in annoyance and continue my miserable time in Math class.

Except I only get to deal the most boring subject, I have to deal with this douchebags behind me.

Why am I here? Just to suffer?

I checked my watch and see it's only 5 minutes left before class ends. Good, because I cannot handle being here in this Godforsaken place.

Apart from having to want to get out of this class, me and Lloyd are going to meet up again but this time, I'm going to meet his friends, AKA, the saviors of Ninjago. And wanna hear something crazy? Cole is one of the Ninjas.

Like how?

Cole can barely even kill a cockroach, let alone save Ninjago from the serpentine. Plus, I thought Cole was in the The School of Performing Arts, learning how to dance and sing and stuff.

Not gonna lie, if Aunt Lilly was still alive this day, Cole's butt is gonna flat for dropping out of the most expensive school ever. And I wanna see Cole getting his butt whooped by his mom.

But the real question is, how did I know that Cole's a Ninja? Lloyd told me about it over the phone while we were playing Fortnite. Turns out, Lloyd's friends, or may I say brothers, are dying to meet me. And he sent me a picture of him and his friends in one group photo, and I saw a familiar bushy eyebrows. Cole. And after that, I plan to kick Cole's butt when we get to meet.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class of the day. After I got out of the classroom, I head to my locker, filled with writings saying, "Die pig", "Sl*t", "C*cks*ucker", and other types of verbal bullying.

Not only I get abuse at the house, I also get bullied this bad at school and for some reason, the teachers, nor the principal aren't doing anything about it. Luckily, I have B/F/N who doesn't treat me like this.

I saw B/F/N putting stuff in her locker, getting some books and papers for our next class.

I walked over to her and said, "B/F/N, I need your help"

"What's up?" She asked and looked at me.

"Lloyd's going to pick me up, and I'm about to meet his friends. And I want to be presentable so they wouldn't judge me" I explained.

She gave me "the smirk" and elbowed me, "So... you and Lloyd, huh?"

"We're not dating, I just, don't want them to think I live in the streets because all of the clothes I have is hoodies and pants. So please, help me" I begged.

She made that thin line with her mouth that she usually do if she's thinking, I don't know why she has to think-

Oh wait.. she's gonna make a deal with me-

She smiled at me and said, "Sure! But, you have to let me meet Lloyd"

I let out a very deep sigh and  hang my head down. I knew that she's gonna say that. I would literally say no but I need her fashion skills or something, she can literally make me look pretty.

"Fine..." I sighed

The bell rang once again, signalling the start of the next subject.

"Yay! 4 o'clock, I'll head to your house. Make sure to take a bath so you could smell like flowers when you meet your boyfriend's friend" She smirked, "Anyways, later"

She soon started to walk away from me and I yelled, "Lloyd's not my boyfriend, you idiot!".

I sighed and then realized I had to clean the mess inside the house. There's too much trash inside and beer bottles. I better head straight home after school.

Don't want B/F/N to see ho messy the house is, she basically doesn't know that I get abused by my dad. I don't want to worry her.

I sighed and head to my next class.


I wiped the sweat from my forehead after I cleaned the whole house. All trash and bottles are in the trash, dad's drugs are hidden and the whole house smells like bamboo. Good thing there's some scented spray left because I basically use that in my bedroom.

I looked at clock and sees is nearly 4. I then immediately dashed to bathroom and started taking a shower. I might have to dry my hair using the air making element.

After I'm done drying my hair, and basically just wearing my hoodie and sweatpants, the door ring. I walked over it and sees B/F/N holding a bag. And my guess is full of clothes and make up.

"Hey gurl" She greeted. She brought her bag close to her chest and smiled at me, "Let's get started~"

Time has passed and B/F/N has already done fixing me up. I wore a Violet to light crop top hoodie, black ripped jeans, pastel green and white sneakers, a blue watch and a red leather backpack. And all of this fits me perfectly. These were the old clothes she barely used now, so she decided to give it to me. To at least lose a bit of space in her cabinet.

I sat in the living room, B/F/N fixing my hair. She also put a little bit of make up. Just a light blush on, and some lipgloss that taste like strawberry. My phone ringed and it was Lloyd calling me. I answered it and I made sure I'm not on speaker because I don't want B/F/N to hear what we're talking about.

"Sup Greenie" I greeted.

"Hey, well, I just wanna let you know that I'm about to head to your place to pick you up" He said.

"That's great. I'm about to be finish here. I'm just letting my friend fix my hair" I informed.

"B/F/N? You're best friend who's a fangirl over us?" He clarified.

"Yep" I answered, popping the p.

"Dang. Does she know thou?" He asked.


"Well, you should tell her because if you don't. There might be things she will do to me" He fretted.

I chuckled at him and assured, "Don't worry, Greenie. I'll tell her about it"

"Okay, well gotta go. I might get stuck in traffic" He said. "I'll see to you later, bye"

And that, he hanged up. And from the talk that me and Lloyd had, I didn't noticed that B/F/N stopped fixing my hair and looking at me in a glare.

One of the scariest things ever. B/F/N glaring at my soul.

I yelped out of my chair and said, "Look, let me explain because you might like this"

It made her look at me and cross her arms. "I'm listening" She said.

Here goes nothing...

"Greenie is..." I paused for a bit and B/F/N raised an eyebrow and I gulped, "Lloyd Garmadon"

She let out a snort and started laughing loudly. she chuckled, "Nice joke, Y/N"

She then looked at me and I just gave her a serious face. her eyes soon widen from realization and shouted, "LLOYD GARMADON IS GREENIE?!"

I winced a bit of how loud her voice and said, "Yes, he is. And Cole, my cousin is the Black Ninja"

"OH MY GODDDDDDDDD" And from that, she's starting to squeal so much that it can make my ears bleed.

Please Lloyd, get here soon-

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