The First Purple Ninja

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I woke up abruptly, my heart pounding in my chest. Sweat trickled down my forehead as I tried to catch my breath. The remnants of a vivid dream lingered in my mind, leaving me feeling agitated.

Looking around the room, I noticed Nya's empty bed, the sheets in disarray with blue and red throw pillows scattered randomly. The sunlight streamed in through the partially drawn curtains, casting a warm glow in the room.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my hand resting on my knee as I tried to make sense of the dream that had shaken me. It was a battle with Regina on the dark island, and in the end, she struck me down with a deadly shadow tendril piercing through my chest.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, a knock on the door interrupted my thinking. I looked up and saw Lloyd cautiously opening the door, his expression initially cheerful but quickly replaced with concern as he took in my anxious state. He entered the room and sat on the bed beside me.

"Hey, babe," I greeted him, mustering a soft smile.

"Hey, are you okay? You're all sweaty," Lloyd observed, his worry evident in his voice.

"Yeah, just had a rough night," I replied, my voice groggy. "What time is it?"

"It's around 8," Lloyd answered, his voice gentle.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should share the details of my disturbing dream. Instead, I shifted the conversation. "Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"We were planning to, but we decided to let you sleep in a bit longer," Lloyd explained, a chuckle escaping his lips.

I let out a tired yawn, feeling a mix of gratitude and frustration. "I was already in a coma for a whole week, I don't need any more sleep."

Lloyd chuckled at my exhaustion, leaning in to give me a gentle kiss on the lips. I pulled away slightly, my eyes widening from the sudden gesture.

"You don't want your morning kiss?" Lloyd raised an eyebrow, his concern now mingled with a playful smirk.

"I want it," I admitted, my voice soft and vulnerable. "But my breath stinks, my mouth is dry, and my hair is a mess," I added.

Lloyd's smirk widened as he gently brushed a strand of hair off my face. "I don't care. You still look beautiful to me."

I shook my head slightly, a small smile playing on my lips. "I do not look beautiful, just so you know."

"Well, you are to me. In fact, you're a goddess in my eyes," Lloyd teased, his playfulness obvious.

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but smile at his words. "Don't tell me you got that line from Kai."

"I know, and I've got more," Lloyd smirked, moving closer to me.

I raised an eyebrow, matching his smirk. "And what might those be?"

Lloyd pinned me to the bed, his body hovering over mine. My eyes widened in surprise, my face flushing from the sudden action.

"Lloyd- What the heck?" I squealed, feeling my heart race from the unexpected gesture.

"What? Am I not allowed to do this to my girl?" Lloyd teased, his mischievous smirk widening.

My face grew even redder as I protested, "The guys might catch us!"

"So? They're busy fixing the boosters. It means I can do this," Lloyd insisted, pressing his lips against mine in a passionate kiss. I couldn't resist, and soon, I melted into the kiss, returning it with equal passion. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the connection between us.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now