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S/N - Ship Name


I walked into the halls that once were a safe environment that I grew up to hate over the years. I was once again greeted with stares and whispers as I entered the school parameters about the events that happened last week.

E/N had spread preposterous rumors about me doing drug-related activities and now, it appears to me that the name "Drug Dealer" has now stuck to me despite not having any evidence that support the accusation.

Just an image of me taking a bag of weed and cocaine from a hoodie guy.

I have decided to shrug my shoulders and don't let their judgment get into my head and face school head-on. I walk towards my locker and put all my books and notes inside, keeping the things I need for 1st subject of the day.

As I placed my items on the counter, I felt a familiar embrace from behind. Recognizing the touch, I turned around to see my best friend, B/F/N, beaming with excitement. "Hey!" I greeted her, a smile spreading across my face.

Her voice filled with enthusiasm, B/F/N exclaimed, "OMG, Y/N! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She squeezed me tighter, and I happily returned the hug, wrapping my arms around her.

As we embraced, I couldn't help but notice the guy standing behind her. His platinum hair fell just above his jawline, and he confidently sported a blue beanie. He seemed to be around 5'10, his electric blue eyes captivating my attention. His choice of clothing was stylish, wearing a white hoodie with short sleeves that had a zipper, revealing a black long-sleeved shirt underneath. The fabric clung to his well-toned physique, giving him a noticeable presence.

 The fabric clung to his well-toned physique, giving him a noticeable presence

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A/N: Used ArtBreeder to make Jaxxson. I have his art concept but it was still paper drawn and I suck at drawing male characters.

Curiosity sparked within me, wondering who this guy was and how he fit into the picture. Was he a friend of B/F/N's? Or perhaps someone new who had caught her attention? My mind wandered, intrigued by the mysterious stranger standing before me.

B/F/N pulled away and grabbed the guy's wrist, pulling him towards us. "Y/N, meet my cousin, Jaxxson Deceptico! And Jaxxson, meet my beautiful and amazing best friend, Y/N L/N."

With a warm smile, I extended my hand toward Jaxxson, offering a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Jaxxson."

"Likewise," Jaxxson replied in a voice that reminded me of an English dub of Adrian from Miraculous Ladybug. As we shook hands, I felt something different about him. It was similar to what I sensed when I used my ability on Lloyd, but it felt like an illusion of some sort.

Jaxx and I let go of each other's hands, but I couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling that lingered.

B/F/N chimed in, "Y/N was the one who bought the Starferer comic. Since you both have the same taste, I asked her to get it for me."

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