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I want to advance sorry if this chapter sucks. I have a writer's block and didn't have much time to write more. And thank you guys for the 19.2K reads! I really appreciate the support! And if some of you are creepypasta fans, please read my BEN x reader!


Misako's POV

Is been a few days that my husband and Lloyd left and haven't been back, I'm starting to get worried about them. I was walking where Nya and Wu is. Wu is helping Nya rebuilding the Destiny's Bounty.

"No way. I'm not sticking my finger into that beehive" I heard Wu said "Misako, any word?"

"Nothing. It's been days and still no word from Garmadon or the Ninja. I'm worried" I said

"As am I. It's time we broaden our search" Wu said

"Well, then it's a good thing I made a mobile base in case the Destiny's Bounty was ever out of commission" Nya said and went to the computer, and the ground started to hatch "I call it the D.B. Express! Mm, not married to the name"

"Find my family, Nya" I plead and Nya jump to the D.B express

"I'm on my way" She said and went out the cave

"Wherever they are, at least my brother is there to guide them" Wu said, trying to comfort me

"This is my husband we're talking about. And that's what worries me"


I couldn't sleep last night, my mind couldn't stop thinking on what Chen is planning. Not only that but as soon Chen took Karlof's element, my shoulder started to ache. Is not the same ache as before, but like when I had my first time but 3x of the pain. Is like, I'm being torn apart.

The giver gave me 2 biscuit and I sat at an empty booth, I put aside my tray and lay my head on the table. I wish they had coffee so I won't be so sleepy. I heard someone sat with me and I look up.

"Looks like someone didn't get a good night sleep" Shade said. I didn't answer back and lay my head back "You need to eat, Phantom"

"I don't need to eat, I need sleep" I groan.

"What did you even do last night?"

"Is none of your business, Shad" I said. (MCD reference, if you guys know what it means)


I look at him."They call you 'Shadow', your name is Shade, and I call you 'Shad'. Short for Shadow and your name" I explain.

"Why do I have so many names?" He murmur himself and silently giggle "Anyway, what did you do last night" He repeated the question.

"If I told you, you promise that you won't think that I want to win this tournament" I said and I look at him, my chin on my forearm.

"Promise" He said.

"I snuck around last night"

"You snuck around?" He said.

"Yeah. I was looking for a book in my room and I trigger a lever, a secret passage opened and I went in. I roam around in the shadow and heard chanting, I followed it and saw Chen with a staff. He took Karlof element and the element Chen used is ice" I explain.

"A staff?" He ask.

"Yep" I said and took a drink.

"You do know what Chen said: 'break a rule and your out', right?"

"Yeah, I know" I said, casually.

"I can't believe you" He shook his head while eating.

"Hey! You promised"

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