Valentines Day

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The mayor of Ninjago give us awards for saving Ninjago City and now, they all know who is the purple ninja, which I'm not used to. The Bounty is destroyed (again), we are staying at Patty Keys Real Estate Queen, in a eight-bedroom ninja suite! The guys including Nya had their own room, Misako and Garmadon sleep at the same room, and me and Lloyd will have to sleep at the same room. It was awkward, we never sleep at the same bed before. God, I hate them!

It was a week after we save Ninjago City and today is Valentines day, I'm not a valentines person and I hate Feb. 14. Ever since I was a kid, I really hate Valentines. Me and Lloyd had been cuddling at our room for a past few days, no one knows about it. I was running back to the apartment, and fangirls are chasing me. This is why I don't want people to know who is the Purple Ninja. I got back to the apartment by my energy dragon, I open the balcony and went inside

"You look like you run a marathon" Kai said while watching TV. I stare at him and walk to the bedroom

"I was chased by fangirls, Kai. And your welcome for buying some of your Hair Gel" I tossed him the paper bag of his Hair Gel. I went inside and lay on the bed, I took out a small wooden box and took a look at the watch I bought for Lloyd

The watch was made by Woodcronos, the watch is black but made by wood. At the back theirs a note, it reads "Loved you then, love you still. Always have, always still" (Picture Above). I don't get what it means but the watch is great, I adjust the time and put it back in the box. I sat up and saw a letter at his nightstand, I took the letter and it has my name on it.

Happy Valentines Day, Y/N!
I can't believe is out first valentines today,
There's another note, but it's a riddle.
I know you hate riddle and don't kill me though

A mirror that is black, but can be turned on.
It has sounds and color
Look behind, you will see another clue.
-Lloyd ❤️

If he knows that I hate riddles, then why give me one? His totally dead when I see him. I stood up and went to the living room, Cole came back and he his playing a video game with Kai. I went to the side of the T.V and saw a letter, it was in the middle and I can't reach it. I use my shadow element and made a shadow hand, I grab the letter and read it.

Yay! You found the letter!
I know it's easy, is because I don't want you to kill me.
Anyway, hope you find the next clue!

It flies, it roars
It shoots, it freeze
What am I?

I wonder what it is? I went out to the Dragon keep, Cole and Kai are busy playing. I went to the door and turn off the T.V, they reacted when I turn off the T.V, I laugh and went to the Dragon Keep. When I got to the top, the Ultra Dragon is asleep. I went to it and started to find the letter, I look at the sit and found it. I took the letter and went quietly went down. When I reach the ground, Rocky was woken up. I gave him a "sh" sign and he went back to sleep. I  went away from them, when I'm far enough, I read the letter.

2 more letters left and this one, you will have to wear something
It's public so... you better wore something that the fangirls won't know you.

It's the place where we met,
the place where our favorite comics is

Run out of riddles? I thought. I went inside the apartment and grab my F/C jacket, black mouth mask and my 2/F/C cap. I wore it and went out, Kai and Cole are arguing on who turn off the T.V. I chuckle, and told them I was the one who turned off the T.V. I left before they started to tell me stuff about their stupid game, I went down and head to Ninjago Doomsday Comix.

I got to the Doomsday Comix, people are looking at me like I'm a terrorist. I think I over dressed... I went inside the shop and took off my cap and my mask. I went to the section where Starferer is, I started to look for the letter but can't find it. I went to the section where me and Lloyd met, and unexpected, the letter is there. I took at the letter and open it, the inside has a map of Ninjago and a note. I went out of the shop and read it there.

Yay! You're almost near the end!
I hope no fangirls notice you, and chase you.
I know your wondering what's the map for, well technically
You have go to the location. When you get to that location, you will see a bunch of wood
I'll explain the rest later, but right now summon your dragon
Love You!

I put the note back and unfold the map, I saw a red "X" on where the forest is.

"Oh my God! Is Y/N L/N!" I turn where sound came and a fangirl said. She was with her boyfriend, I curse under my breath and quickly run away. She started to chase me, so the other girls too. I quickly went to the alley and climb to the fire exit of a apartment complex, I look down and theirs so many of them. Is like a zombie apocalypse, but fangirls. I went to the roof and summon my energy dragon, I hop on and went to the location.

-Time Skip, fan fact: Many of you thought that Cole's favorite color is black or brown, but his favorite color is Orange-

It was already dawn and I got to the location and is true, there are so many wood. There's a tree house of a fallen tree too, I started to look around and shout Lloyd's name. I look around and saw a light, I went to it and saw a trail of green flame. I followed the trail and it lead to the mountain of impossible heights. Great, I have to climb this a million steps.

I teleported to all of the shadows using my element of shadow. Regina taught me on how to use my shadow element, even thought she hate me and I took her element she still taught me. It was nice of her, but I still don't trust her. She told me where my dad is, and told me why she hate my mom and wanted to rule Ninjago with the Overlord., she even told me that I had a few more elements to master before I reach my true potential. And now she is at Kryptarium Prison. I reached the top and Lloyd was waiting for me on the entrance, there was a table for 2 person with a candle on the middle. I chuckled and fix my hair

"Who you waiting for, Lloyd?" I ask and he turned around, he was wearing a green polo shirt and a blue pants

"Y/, how did you get here?" Lloyd said and scratch the back of his neck

"Apparently I was too lazy to climb so I just use my element of shadows" I said

"Are you making me jealous of your Elements?" He said

"Maybe" I said

"Here" Lloyd hand me a bouquet with all kinds of flowers "I don't know your favorite flowers is so I just bought all kinds" He said

"Happy Valentines Lloyd" I said and give him a kiss on the lips, he tensed a little bit but he melted to the kiss. We pulled away

"Happy Valentines too, babe" Lloyd said. And we kiss again. We went to the table and eat under the stars.


Sorry guys for the late update, I know I said that I will post on Feb. 13 but I moved it to 14. Is because, is Valentines Day so I tried to make a chapter on Feb. 14 but my classmate told me to make a script on our project. And yesterday, I haven't been able to finish this is because I had chores to do. Right now, I just finished this after I made my other project on English. So yeah. And take note, there's a chance that I won't be able to post next week because is our exam. I have to study my gut on Math and AP (History) so I won't be able to post next week. I'm so so so so SOOOOOO sorry for the late up. What do you guys want me to do next? The guys caught you and Lloyd Cuddling? Karaoke Night with the team or back to school chaos?

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