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Sorry for the late update. My parents won't let me use the computer and always saying "School is more important than that stupid wattpad" "Wattpad won't give you grades" and blah blah blah! Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter



The next day, the elemental masters are inside the blimp. Kai still thinks that Shade is the spy, Jay's leg is still broken and Lloyd and Y/N's tension gone bigger. Earlier before they got the blimp, Garmadon and the team tried to convince Y/N that Lloyd didn't mean anything but she reject it. It was a mistake to be here at the island and try to save Zane but she understand why she's here now. Stop Chen, get the staff and become the most powerful elemental master in all of Ninjago. She will aim the goal no matter what it takes and no one can stop her.

Turner was looking at Jay with a amused smirk and he notice it "What are you looking at, Zippy?"

"The next one out of the Tournament" Turner smirk

"Uh, heh" Jay laugh nervously

"Why so scared to show us your back, Shadow? Worried we're gonna find a tattoo and know you're working for Chen?" Kai ask

"I hope this next fight is between you and me, because I'm gonna put you on your back" Shade warned "Or if not, I'm gladly bring down your green friend" Shade snarled

Paleman whistles at Skylor "Do you mind?" Skylor said

Garmadon felt the tension in the blimp "Tensions are high"

"Yeah, not as high as we are now" Lloyd look out the window behind him "Can hardly see the island from up here"

Neuro is walking back and fourth, bitting his nails with fear. Y/N's right eye started twitch with annoyance with Neuro's behavior and snap "Will you quit it?!"

"I've had enough of this. I can't stand heights. Where's Chen?" Y/N roll her eyes and lean back, her arms crossed. He opens the door to the control room, but no one's piloting it "Ugh!"

The screen turned on, showing Chen "How do I know if this thing's on? Oh, oh, oh, I see, the light. Oh, oh, I'm on? Right now?" The elemental masters gather on the pilot room and stare at Chen "Ahem, ahem. Hello, final nine. I see you are all eager for the tournament to commence so one of you can win my Staff of Elements. Instead of fighting for a Jadeblade, today you will be fighting for something different" He shows them a video of Nya running in her samurai suit

"Nya" Kai gasp

"You know her?" Skylor ask

"It's my sister" Kai replied 

"We have an uninvited guest on the island" Chen continued 

"And she must be holding the proof that will stop Chen" Kai added

"Find her and you will automatically move on..."

"The spell he plans to use when he takes our powers" 

"...to the final round!" Chen finished and Y/N smirked 

"He wants us all to hunt her down? She won't stand a chance" Jay said

"Then we have to find her before anyone else does" Lloyd reminded and they nodded

"Well good luck with that, because I'm going to find her first" Y/N said

"In ten seconds, the bottom will drop" Chen warned, everyone gasps "But to show you I'm not a bad man, I've given you nine parachutes" Everyone look behind and the ground started to open but Garmadon rushes to grab a parachute but the ground opens wider "Sensei Garmadon is there? Shoot, that makes ten. Oh, well, I was never good at math. Heh. Toodle-oo"

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