Foreseen Battle

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Lloyd's POV

I gently held Y/N's bandaged arms and legs while she lay unconscious in bed, our concern for her grew. The recent fight between E/N and Y/N had left us all deeply worried. We couldn't help but wish that E/N would simply disappear.

Luckily, Master Wu provided some insight into what had happened when Y/N started glowing with purple light and strange markings. It turns out that she had tapped into her true potential, but it was only a small glimpse of what she could truly achieve. Master Wu explained that Y/N still has a lot to learn and many more elements to master before unlocking her full potential.

We were both amazed and confused by Y/N's unique abilities. It all began with her eyes transforming into a captivating shade of purple, resembling that of a dragon. Now, witnessing her tap into her true potential, even if it was just for a brief moment, left us stunned yet unsure of what it meant.

In addition to tapping into her true potential, Y/N also discovered that she has the power to control lava, one of her subelements. Another fascinating ability she possesses is the ability to take someone else's elemental power. This has sparked questions among us, like how she is able to do this.

However, despite all the incredible things we have learned about Y/N, our worries for her continue. We can't help but wonder what E/N and Regina truly want from her. Is it somehow connected to her extraordinary powers?

I felt a hand gently placed on my back, causing me to jump slightly. When I turned around, I saw Kai standing there.

"Hey Kai," I greeted, trying to hide the surprise in my voice.

"You're worried about Y/N, huh?" Kai asked, his concern evident in his eyes.

"Yeah," I replied, my gaze fixated on Y/N's unconscious form, my face reflecting the worry and concern I felt.

Y/N had fainted from exhaustion after taking E/N's elemental power during the battle. She had suffered severe burns from the intense heat of the lava, causing her Ninja Gi to be burnt in the process. Thankfully, the burns were classified as first-degree, but we all hoped they wouldn't worsen.

"I don't know if you're worried about Y/N because she's your best friend or because she's your girlfriend," Kai teased, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. I playfully tried to hit him, but he flinched and we both burst into laughter.

"Shut up, hedgehog," I retorted, giving him a playful shove.

"I swear, what is up with people calling me a hedgehog?" Kai commented, feigning annoyance. "Me and the guys are heading to Two Moon Village since a few Skulkin Soldiers were spotted there. You wanna come?"

I shook my head and replied, "I'll stay here, just in case Y/N wakes up."

"Okay, we'll be back. Don't do anything inappropriate while we're gone," Kai said with a smirk before walking out of the bedroom.

"Screw you, Kai!" I shouted after him, a mixture of amusement and exasperation in my voice.

As Kai walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts, my mind drifted back to Y/N lying unconscious on the bed.

Y/N and I had been dating for some time now, and our bond grew stronger ever since she got suspended. The sight of her injured and vulnerable filled me with a sense of helplessness. I longed for her to wake up, to see those beautiful eyes open and reassure me that she was alright.

Every moment spent with Y/N felt like a precious treasure. From stolen glances to sweet kisses, from late-night talks to comforting hugs, we had built a foundation of love and connection. It was something that couldn't be easily put into words.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now