The Stone Army

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In the scorching heat of the Lost City of Ouroboros, the tribes of Serpentine gathered to watch a thrilling Slither Pit in the sandy arena. The crowd cheered as their fellow snakes showcased their skills. However, their excitement was interrupted by the arrival of a rattlecopter descending towards the arena.

The copter landed in the middle of the arena, and a Constrictai slithered out, swiftly rolling out a black carpet and setting up a chair and umbrella for the evil Lord Garmadon. The crowd watched with surprise and judgment as Garmadon made himself comfortable.

Lord Garmadon, the embodiment of evil, stepped out of the helicopter and made his way toward the extravagant arrangement. The four leaders of the serpentine tribes watched him with a mixture of surprise and judgment, unsure of his intentions.

Lord Garmadon sat down on his chair and grabbed the drink his henchman had prepared for him, taking a sip. "Ah. It's so bright," Garmadon complained, covering his eyes from the bright sun, "I never understood how your kind could live in such heat"

Curiosity piqued, the four leaders cautiously approached Lord Garmadon, their eyes filled with suspicion.

Skalidor, the General of the Constrictai, spoke up, voicing the question on everyone's minds. "Lord Garmadon, what brings you to our humble dwelling?"

A mischievous smile spread across Garmadon's face as he replied, "The ninja may have destroyed my Mega Weapon, but I have an ingenious new plan."

Skales, the leader of the Hypnobrai, leaned in towards Skalidor, his voice filled with doubt. "Are we seriously still allowing him to be in charge of us?"

Lord Garmadon, his voice laced with a hint of great evil, began to explain his plan. "Earlier, when pirates mutinied our ship and locked us in the brig, Captain Soto's journal mentioned they have been looking for a fabled dark island created out of evil itself." Garmadon's eyes gleamed with ambition as he continued, "Once we find it, its concentrated dark powers will aid me—I mean, us! Together, we could rule over Ninjago!"

Skales scoffed, rolling his eyes at Garmadon's words."Oh, please. You're having us chase after fairy tales, now?"

With a hint of irritation, Garmadon corrected him, "Not fairy tales, but a real place that existed long before any of us were around. A place full of untold power."

Skalidor's smirk began to form, his curiosity piqued. "Untold power? Count me in!"

Garmadon approached Skalidor, his voice dripping with sinister intent. "A place dripping with evil!"

Skalidor chuckled, turning to his fellow generals. "Evil. Sounds nice!"

"I'm looking for a few brave snakes. Who'll join me?" Garmadon asked.

"Aye!" The three generals raised their scepters, eagerly pledging their allegiance to Garmadon's cause. However, Skales simply facepalmed at their gullibility.

Without wasting any more time, the four serpentine generals boarded the waiting rattlecopter, ready to embark on their quest to find the elusive dark island.


Inside the peaceful confines of the Destiny's Bounty, everyone slumbered soundly. However, Y/N couldn't find comfort as she lay in bed, fixating on the bracelet clutched tightly in her hand. A wave of thoughts swirled in her mind, wondering if this seemingly ordinary piece of jewelry held the key to why Regina made her suffer for so many years. What made Y/N so special that Regina want her that badly to suffer?

After piecing each piece together throughout the months, Y/N managed to figure out that Regina was behind her mom's death, the one who told her dad to treat her like shit, and the one who told E/N to make Y/N's life a living hell. But she just didn't understand, why? Why did Regina go through that much trouble just for her to rule Ninjago? Why?

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