Lloyd got Jealous

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Requested by @FrejaThomsen6

F/H- Favorite Hoodie

F/CD- Favorite Candies


It's been a week after the school has resume and fangirls are now gathering on the school gate, there's some fanboys too. I didn't go out from the gate, I just climb the fence to the forest. I pull my F/H hood up, put my buds on and play some music and I started to run to the city

I didn't want to use any of my elements today, because it will attract attention to the army of fangirls and fanboys. I didn't want to use my energy dragon too, even though I miss riding her. I was heading to the city because the candy store is on sale so... technically I have to get their before F/CD are all out.

I got to the city and climb the fence, ended up in the alley. I started to head to the candy store and a lot of teens, mostly kids are getting candies. I went in the store but didn't put down my hood, I grab a bag of Lloyd's favorite candies and mine too.

"You know your hood won't work right?" I turn around and saw Michael getting a basket of chocolate and candy

"Micheal, what are you doing here and how did you get past from those fangirls?" I asked and took off my buds

"I didn't go to school today remember? And I'm getting candies for my little cuz's birthday party and for my sis" He said and grab the last bag of F/CD.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Why didn't you go to school today?" I asked and grab a bag of chocolate bar.

"Well my sis had her period today and her tummy ache. She said she need chocolate so it won't hurt, mom and dad are at work and no one to help her with her period" He said

"And getting the last bag of F/CD?" I asked again

"I'm eating it all, you know me, I eat candies like peanuts" Michael said, and I slightly laugh

"I forgot about that" I said. We continue chatting, he asked me if I can come on his cousin's birthday party, which I declined because of a reason. I bought the candies that I had, I told him that I have to get back and I went home.

Lloyd's POV (It's been a while so... why not?)

I just got back to the apartment from the candy store, seeing Y/N with a guy. Every time I think about it, it makes some kind of feeling inside me... Jealousy? No, I can't be jealous. Maybe the guy Y/N with is just a friend, or not? What's am I thinking? Lloyd, stop thinking about it. I thought.

I sat in the living room alone. Kai, Zane, Jay, Cole, Sensei Wu, Nya, Mom and Dad are on Darkley school for Badboys, visiting the principal and trying to make him agree for making it Sensei Wu's Academy. I open the TV and went to Netflix, I started to search something to watch until Y/N came home

"Hey Lloyd" She said and took off her shoes "Where the others?" She said and sat next to me

"At Darkley's" I said and continue searching. Y/N open the plastic and gave my favorite candy "Thanks" I said and open it "Who's the guy you're with on the candy store" I said mouth full of candy

"You mean Michael? His an old friend, we kinda bump in into each other" She said "I wish I shouldn't run from school to here" She said and hold her foot

"Are you sure you and Michael are just friends?" I asked and shove another candy

"Why do you want to know Greenie?" She asked and made a shocking happy expression "Are you Jealous, Lloyd?"

"What? Me, Jealous? Of course not, I will not get jealous. The only thing that I'm jealous is your elements, and I will not be jealous if your with another guy. I mean you and Michael are just friends and I..." I stopped talking because I just knew I am jealous. I facepalmed myself and she started to laugh "Am I really that obvious?"

"Lloyd Montegary Garmadon, I know you for 8 months in the game and I know how your voice is when your jealous" She said trying to hold back the laughter

"Can we just not talked about this?" I said. Still covering my face, she put her hand on my back

"Lloyd, is alright to be jealous. You are the only one who's my heart belong too, and you know that" She said. I look up "Why don't we watch a movie?" She suggest and got the remote. We watched Bird Box and 2 episodes of Umbrella Academy.


Yay! The next on is requested by the same person, @FrejaThomsen6. And I think this one will make you fangirl because every time I rethink of it I always fangirl, like non stop so yeah... See you guys at the next chapter!

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