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M/H/C - Mom's Hair Color

M/E/C - Mom's Eye Color

M/S/C - Mom's Skin Color

N/N - Nickname

F/B - Favorite Breakfast



They're all I can hear.

Echoes of people calling my name, pleading for me to wake up.

Their voices filled with despair and pain.

I jolt awake, my heart pounding, as the blaring sound of an alarm fills the room.

I take in my surroundings, finding myself in my room. It's bright, filled with familiar objects from my past. My laptop sits on the study table, surrounded by scattered school books and papers. Stuffed animals line the shelves, and random books are stacked on the wooden shelf. I glance down and notice that I'm wearing F/C pajamas.

How did I end up here?

I was supposed to be at the Winter Formal with Lloyd and the team. I remember arguing with Regina, and then everything went black.

I quickly sit up in bed and rush to the mirror, hoping to find some answers. I move my hair aside, searching for any signs of what happened, but there's nothing.

I distinctly remember Regina injecting something into my neck during our fight.

A knock at the door startles me, and I turn to see it swing open. My eyes widen with surprise, and tears well up as I see who's standing there.


Her hair, a beautiful shade of M/H/C, sways gently as she walks into the room. Her eyes, a shimmering M/E/C, sparkle with life. Her flawless M/S/C radiates health and vitality. And her smile... it's as if all the pain and suffering I've endured over the years melts away in an instant.

"Good morning, N/N," she greets, her gaze filled with warmth.

I rush into her arms, pulling her into a tight embrace. Tears stream down my face as I feel the warmth of her presence. I can hear the steady beat of her heart, assuring me that she's real.

"Mom... you're alive," I manage to say, my voice choked with emotion, as I pull away slightly to look into her eyes.

"Of course, I'm alive, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere," she chuckles softly.

"But... I saw you die. Regina killed you. In a car accident," I whisper, my voice trembling.

Her brow furrows in confusion. "Regina? Who's Regina?"

My confusion deepens. How can she not remember Regina? They fought countless times before.

"Regina. Your long lost sister. Remember?" I asked, my face displaying confusion.

"Well, the only sister I know is your Uncle Lou, who's more flamboyant than I am. There's no Regina in our family," she replies, her voice filled with genuine bewilderment.

I take a step back, my mind swirling with questions and uncertainty. Something is not right.

I am lost in this puzzling reality, unsure of what's happening or how I ended up here.

"Y/N, I think you've confused your dream with reality," she gently suggests. "Why don't you freshen up and come downstairs to eat? I made your favorite, F/B."

I look at her, still a mix of confusion and disbelief. "Yeah, sure. I'll get myself ready."

Mom smiles and exits my room, leaving me standing there, lost in my thoughts, trying to make sense of everything.

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