Movie Night

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It has been over 2 weeks since me and Lloyd last met and it has been rather the most memorable time. Me and Lloyd has gotten to hang out a lot and truth be told, my gallery is filled of pics of me and Lloyd. Ever since me and Lloyd have been hang out a lot this past 2 week since we met, Lloyd told me that he was the Green Ninja.

At first, I didn't believe him first, I mean, Lloyd being the Green Ninja? The guy who is a total cinnamon roll is the Green Ninja, who saved Ninjago City along with his team? Yeah, I highly doubt he's the Green Ninja. But I stand wrong when he made a Green Energy Orb in his hand.

And that made me utterly speechless and shock. I really can't believe that a innocent guy like him is the Green Ninja. Savior of Ninjago. After Lloyd told me he's the Ninja, he told me to keep it a secret since he doesn't want me be in danger since the serpentine might hold me hostage just to defeat the Ninjas. So I kept it a secret.

To be honest, I wanna tell him that I'm Purple Ninja but I can't. I don't want him to get hurt as well so I rather keep the secret that I'm the Purple Ninja. And I plan to tell him when the time comes.

"I really can't believe that E/N beat you up at school yesterday" B/F/N commented as he drinks her ice latte.

"Is fine. And besides, I faced worst" I reassured.

"But still, if she does it again, I'm gonna black mail her because I caught her having sex with Mr. Willson in 4k" B/F/N threatened.

I just chuckled and yes, I did got beaten up yesterday by E/N and her friends for no reason. And of course, I didn't fought back because I'll be the blame for it. Like I said, she'll play the victim since she's one of the most popular girl in school.

A total slut if I may say.

Speaking of school, B/F/N's cousin is in town and he's gonna enroll at our school. And of course, my best friend is happy to see him. And not gonna lie, I'm jealous that she get to see his cousin after years of not seeing each other. I do wish I see Cole again because imma give him a sisterly hug and a kick on the balls for not having getting in contact with me.

"Since you're going to the movies tonight with your boyfriend, he's gonna see that bruise on your cheek" B/F/N said. "And somehow, is healing fast"

I took a sip in my F/D and corrected, "First of, he's not my boyfriend and second, he won't see this bruise since I'll be using your face powder"

"Keep denying that he's not your boyfriend but I know, deep inside you, you want him to be your boyfriend" B/F/N snickered.

I gave her a glare and rolled my eyes, "Yeah right"

"When you going to let me see what he looks like? I only got his name" She pouted.

"Maybe when, we get old" I joked.

"I hate you" B/F/N replied.

I chuckled and replied back, "I love you too"

"Anyways, what time will you and Lloyd meet?" She questioned.

"Around 5pm" I answered.

Lloyd asked me if we wanna watch a movie together, and of course I said yes. And honestly, this is the first time I won't be home early but lucky me, Dad will be home at 12am so I'm safe.

"I gotta go. 30 minutes left so I rather be there early for the tickets" I said and stood up.

"Looks like someone excited to her Boy-" I gave her glare before she finishes it. "-Best friend" She chuckled at the end.

I shook my head on her and went on my way to the theaters.


I soon reached the theaters and I reach there, I feel nervous about this. Because is my first time not being home early and not at home, getting yelled at for no particular reason.

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