The Crooked Path

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I was planning to make a digital art but I suck at it or to draw but I don't want to embarrass myself with the drawing so this is what your Author can do. Be safe Everyone!!! ❤️❤️❤️

M/H/C- Mother's Hair Color


The day isn't the day for training, in fact it was all wrong. The sky is perfectly clear, the sun shining brightly, the Autumn breeze made the field and trees sway, and the leaves are turning green to orange. Is one of those perfect days, a perfect peaceful day. But everyday is perfect, meaning everyday is training. Rain or Shine, training is what I do. I failed to let fire out of my palm, or control a single candle light. A 16 year old girl with no guidance by an elder is tough for me, the one person who guide me is by brother, Lou. Who is out for collage in Ninjago City.

Me and Lou are not related, I was adopted. Left in the door step of Lou's parents. Even though we're not related, we still act like we're related. We have those sibling fights, fighting over a gameboy, and chores. Plus he's a great brother, protective brother who is so strict when a boy has a crush on me. He always have a boy-to-boy conversation with the guy that likes me, but I don't blame him. He's my brother and brothers act like that. Adding to that, Lou is so organized with things. Like he has OCD. He always scold me if he sees my room looks like a jungle.

"You're a girl but you room looks like a boy's room"
"I bet a snake lives in those trash, because of how messy your room is"

And yeah... not only my room, also what I look like. Lou wants me to always fix my hair, sit like a girl, talk like a girl and stuff.

"Sit up straight and close your legs, you're not a boy for Christ's Sake!"
"Fix your hair, it looks like a bird's nest. I don't get why boys like you with that kind of hair"
"A girl doesn't curse, you must talk with respect"
"Walk like a girl. Show your curves and show your butt. Don't crotch"

Not gonna lie, he acts like a girl more than me. He always bring a powder with him and a comb to fix himself, as for me, I only myself. What's missing for Lou is make up.

I screamed and flop down on the grass. Another day of failing to master the element of fire.

"Why can't I do it?" I questioned myself. I've trying to master this element for almost a month now and I have no progress. "What would Lou say if he's here?" I cleared my throat and try to copy his voice, '" Don't be too hard to yourself, every time you try hard to master or achieve something, you just get the opposite result' "

I laugh at my fail Lou voice. Lou always say that to me every time I fail to master an element. He isn't an elemental master but he seems like he knows how to be like one. But he use that advise every time he practice. That's why he always gets the trophy of every dance competition. And now he's in Ninjago to study at Marty Oppenheimer School of Performing Arts.

I stood up from the ground and took a deep breath, closing my eyes. I perform the moves, similar to summoning an elemental dragon but a little bit of mix. Before I did the final step, I heard a scream not far from where I am. I turn to the right and started to run to where the scream came from, until I saw a Grundle chasing a boy.

I jump into a tree and started to chase them, to save the boy. I jump from tree to tree to be able to save the boy, but I was far behind. The only I can able to save him if I can get behind that Grundle, but that thing has acid in his saliva, one drop on the a person's skin it will immediately melt. But is worth a risk, I just have to avoid being drop by the acidic saliva. When I was able to be near the monster, I jump down and landed on its back. I made a ice dagger and stab it on the back, making it roar in pain. It started to shake me off, making me sway.

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