Operation Confession: Task Failed Successfully?

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I sat at me and Nya's shared room, casually suffering with my Math homework. After 8 hours is school, you don't get to relax afterwards without having a day without a single homework. Yes, it can help the student to recall but can it be not homework? I just wanna rest and spend time with the team.

I let out a frustrated sign because I did the formula wrong, I lean back on my chair and look up the the ceiling. I could hear the guys laughing from the bridge. Oh, how much I wish I could really wish to be a full time Ninja and not suffering from schoolwork.

A knock was heard on the door, making me turn to the direction and see Cole leaning on the door frame.

"Hey Y/N" Cole greeted.

"What's up" I greeted back, still looking at my sheets of the forsaken symbols of Math.

"I was wondering, maybe you want to play with us" Cole suggested.

"What type of game?" I questioned.

"You'll see" Cole answered, bitting his bottom lip like he's hiding something.

I made my lips into a thin line and stood up, "Yeah, sure. There's possibly no harm to join the game you're playing"

Cole fist bump the air and lead me to the bridge, where the others are sitting around the table. And on the middle of the table is a bowl filled with a few papers inside. I immediately turned back, knowing what game we're gonna play.

"Nope. Nope. I'm out. I rather suffer doing Math than playing 7 Minutes In Heaven" I denied walk away.

Before I could even get away a bit, Cole grab my hoodie and drag me to the table and sat next to Lloyd. "Nope. You're gonna play the game with us. No backsies"

I pout and cross my arms, "I hate you, Cole"

Cole chuckled at me and sat next to Kai.

Lloyd elbowed me and I greeted, "Hey Lloyd"

Lloyd didn't say anything back and ignored me like I did something bad.

What the heck? What did I do?

I made my lips into a thin line and didn't face Lloyd.

Nya, who's sitting between Kai and Jay, stood up and reach the bowl to shake it. "Now everyone is here, let's start. Zane, start the shuffle"

Zane's eyes started to blink black, red, green, blue, light blue and purple multiple times showing who's might be going first. I hope is not me, because I don't want to be stuck inside Cole. He might just squeeze me with how big his arms are.

"Is Y/N" Zane announced.

"Why me? Can I just skip this?" I questioned.

"Nope" Nya reach over the table to make me choose in the paper. I grab the paper without hesitation and open it. I blushed on who's name is written inside the paper.

Out of all people, why Lloyd?

"Who is it then?" Kai asked, with a teasingly tone to it.

"Lloyd" I answered.

They cheered and pushed us into the small dark closet, filled with our cleaning supplies. They handed us a flashlight to see in the dark.

"Wait for 7 minutes and we'll let you out if it's times up" Jay explained and close the closet on our faces.

"And your time starts now!" Kai shouted on the other side of the door.

For a minute, me and Lloyd stood in silence in the atmosphere. And soon, is starting to fill the atmosphere with awkwardness. I open the light in my hand and open it, but accidentally faced the light into my eyes and made me... blinded by the light.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now