Enemy's Puzzle

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B/F/C - Best Friend's Crush

F/F/F - Favorite Fast Food


It's been a few days since the events happened, leading to my suspension. I felt all kinds of emotions, frustration, and disappointment, but never guilt.

I rather felt amazed because I managed to punch E/N's annoying slutty face. After years of torment from her, I managed to do what I always wanted, beat her up. Despite it getting cut short, it did give me a great sense of satisfaction, and I do wish to do it again.

Lloyd has been an absolute game-changer in keeping me occupied and bringing some serious positive vibes to my life. Despite the frustration and disappointment of my suspension, he's got me feeling happier than ever. Scratch that, feeling happy for the first time in my life. We've been ditching our usual training routine to pull off epic pranks on the team and dive headfirst into marathon gaming sessions. Getting multiple wins and leveling up. And get this: Lloyd's even volunteered to handle my math homework, claiming it's easy peasy lemon squeezy.

"Oh, hey!" B/F/N exclaimed during our video call. "I totally forgot to mention, we have an English assignment coming up. We have to write a two-page essay about the Scarlet Letter."

I let out a frustrated sigh and hung my head in disbelief. "Seriously? Mr. Wilson seems to have a knack for making us suffer," I groaned, feeling the weight of the assignment bearing down on me. "And to top it off, if we manage to pass the assignment, he'll still give us all an F because apparently, our 'vocabulary is like a 3rd grader'," I complained.

"I know, right? The only one who managed to get an A in class is E/N." B/F/N agreed.

"Yeah, that's because her 'thus' hands are very C's, her U's and her T's, and thus makes her great P's," I quoted, adding a playful tone to my voice.

B/F/N looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face through our video call, "What does that mean?"

I couldn't help but giggle and replied, "I'm saying she's a cunt".

B/F/N giggled in response, her laughter filling the air as we continued our video call. I settled down on the deck, feeling the warmth of the wood beneath me. The guys went out to grab some takeout, I had decided to stay behind to finish up a few assignments. So right now, I am alone and on a call with B/F/N.

"Oh, I do notice something about you," B/F/N hinted, her voice laced with a sly smirk.

I furrowed my brows, intrigued by her teasing tone. "And what might that be?" I asked, my voice filled with curiosity and playfulness.

"You're glowing," she pointed out, her words making me blush.

"Oh, come on," I replied, trying to play it off. "It's probably just the lighting out here on the control room."

B/F/N shook her head, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "No way, you're glowing like you're in love."

My cheeks flushed even more, and I quickly denied it. "No, I'm not! Don't be silly."

"I call cap," she exclaimed, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously. "Lemme guess, Lloyd is the one making you happy?"

My cheeks turned even redder, and I couldn't help but laugh at her playful accusation. "Oh, please," I replied, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Lloyd and I are just friends. Nothing more."

B/F/N raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Hmm, we'll see about that," she teased, a knowing smile on her face.

I chuckled at her remark, remembering the time when she had met Cole for the first time. "Oh, please," I retorted, playfully rolling my eyes. "You're the one to talk. I distinctly remember you practically drooling over Cole when you first met him."

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