Aunt v.s. Niece

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I'm going to post just once this week, is because this chapter took me 3 days. Anyway, hope you like this chapter! 😊

"Good seeing you my dear"

The word "dear", gave me shivers to my spine. I stare at her, her hand glowing dark purple. I immediately make a strong wind that made dust from the sand, I run away from her. I look back and no shadow ninjas are chasing me, I look straight until Regina was in front of me. I quickly stop running

"You can't run away, Y/N" She said. I try to turn back but she was in front of me again, my eyes widen. "You will never survive" She said and strike

Cole's POV

Lloyd lock himself in the training room, we are all up and try to find away to make him get out of the room. Misako try to convince Lloyd to get out, even Sensei Wu. Well, technically Sensei Wu try to scare him. He said that if Lloyd didn't get out of the training room he will be whacked by his staff and give him extra training, but Lloyd yelled at him from the room. Kai and Jay said that Y/N will be back soon, but Lloyd yelled to them. Zane made his favorite sweets but didn't work either. Dr. Julien try to tell Lloyd that Y/N will not going to die and she will be back, but Lloyd did the same thing. I was the only one hasn't convinced him yet, I went to the training room and knocked on the door.

"Open this door, Lloyd" I said

"Leave me alone Cole" He said. His voice sound like he cried

"Lloyd, look I know that you won't forgive yourself from Y/N leaving and the word "die" will not going to happen. You know Y/N is strong to defeat Regina, she will not die" I said

"What make you sure about that, Cole? You never spend time with her" Lloyd said

"I know that I never spend time with her that much, but I know she will not die. I know how strong Y/N is, she will defeat Regina. You know that she is strong Lloyd, You know she can do it. If you won't open the door, then maybe this will" I slip a paper underneath the door. The paper is from her diary, I have been reading it after she went into a coma. The paper I tore from her diary was the day we left Ninjago. I heard the door unlocked and Lloyd open the door, his eyes are puffed by his crying

"Thanks Cole" He said. I gave him a smile


Y/N and Regina started to fight, Y/N didn't fight back but dodged all of Regina's attack. Y/N was still not strong enough to fight her, Regina is in peek of killing her. While they were fighting, E/N watched them. E/N had a evil grin on her face, she was enjoying the show but she knows that she have to tell this to the Overlord.

Y/N went behind the tree to block herself from Regina daggers, the daggers hit the tree. Y/N look behind, Regina throw daggers at her. Y/N try to block again but one dagger hit her right cheek, cutting her the side of her hair. Y/N took a deep breath and attack, she throw fire and ice punches. Regina dodge her punches but Y/N's ice punch hit her stomach, it made Regina cough blood.

"You are getting stronger, Y/N. But not strong enough" Regina said and push her hard using a strong shadow blast. Y/N went to trees, breaking them. She hit a rock and Y/N fall, she tried to got up but the pain ached. Regina teleported to her, Y/N still on the ground, her clothes tore apart

"Get up" A female voice said "Don't let her win. We will help you" A male voice said.

"Oh, Y/N. Why do you even want to stop me?" Regina was above Y/N's head, smirking "Why don't we get this over with?" Regina made a large shadow sword, she was going to end her or so she thought.

She was going to strike her at the heart, but Y/N grab the blade. Her hand was bleeding, Y/N got up, her eyes are completely purple. Y/N took the sword and throw it on the ground. Y/N blast air to Regina, she was knocked back and broke a couple of trees. Regina lay on the floor, she cough more blood and her head was bleeding. Y/N run to her using her wind, she stop at the foot of her. She was holding her sword, Regina sat up and wiping the blood she cough.

"Regina, you and your daughter had try to rule Ninjago with the Overlord and try to kill Y/N. With all the things you have done, you must pay the price" Y/N's voice was different, she had two more different voices. Y/N hold the handle of her sword with both of her hands, she put it a few feet above where Regina's heart will be. She pull it up and strike. At the last second, Y/N took control of herself and made the sword disappear. "I'm not going to end you" Y/N said and turn back. Regina stood up

"Even if you had all the elements, you are still weak like your mother!" Regina said. She made a dagger and was going to stab her back, but Y/N turn around and grab her hand. She grab Regina's hand with a black tentacles from her hand, Regina drop the dagger.

"Took away her element if you don't want to end her" A familiar voice said, Y/N recalled the voice and it was from her mom. Y/N make Regina kneel, Y/N hold her forehead and try to make her hand purple.


"How can I took someone's element without losing control mom?" Younger Y/N ask to her mom. They were training, her mom smiled

"If you want to took someone's element, you must focus your element and your energy. You must combine them so you can take the element. But be warned if you made a single mistake on taking someone's element, it will took yours too" M/N said and made her hand purple

End of flashback

Y/N did what her mom told her, she focused on her element and energy. Her hand started to glow purple, it made a half strong wind. Regina's eyes were wide open and started to scream, she was trying to fight back so her element can't be taken but Y/N make her hand glow brighter. While she was taking her element, on the back of her right shoulder a purple Yin Yang dragon symbol started form and it was glowing. Y/N was able to took Regina's element, she let go and her hand turn back to normal. Y/N knell from the tiredness

"What did you do to me?" Regina said, breathless from screaming

"I took away your element so you will never ever use it again on evil" Y/N said and stood up

"Even if you took my element, I will-" Regina didn't been able to finish her sentence and fainted. Y/N crisscross her legs and look at Regina.

"What am I going to do with you?" Y/N said to herself.

Y/N just look at Regina for an hour until she heard someone talking in ancient language. Y/N look behind her and saw and arrow shooting at her, she made an air shield and stood up. An stone swordsman came with 2 stone archer, Y/N shot lightning at them and run. She was too weak to fight them, after the battle she and Regina had, it drained her. She tried to run further, but her legs started to turn sore. She was slowing down until a net grab her and she fall, she look up and saw Garmadon.

"Hello, Y/N. You must be my son's boyfriend, is that correct?" Garmadon said. Y/N was going to break the net but someone hit her in the head and black out

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