The Day Ninjago Stood Still

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In the vibrant City of Ninjago, within the walls of Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo. Four highly skilled Ninjas formed a circle around the blindfolded Green Ninja, their weapons poised and ready to train Lloyd.

"Don't rely on your eyes. Use your ears," Cole instructed, and everyone assumed their fighting stances. Slowly, they began to walk closer to Lloyd, ready to strike.

Just as they were about to unleash their attacks, Dareth, the dojo's owner, entered the scene. "Uh, guys, I'm teaching a class later, so I'd appreciate a clean dojo," he pleaded.

However, the determined Ninjas ignored Dareth's request and continued their intense training with Lloyd. The four Ninjas swung their weapons at Lloyd, but he swiftly evaded their strikes with impressive agility. In a swift motion, Lloyd kicked Zane's shurikens to the floor, leaving him defenseless. Cole attempted to strike Lloyd with his scythe, but Lloyd skillfully grabbed it by the end of the handle, effortlessly disarming Cole. As Kai aimed his sword at Lloyd, he used the stolen scythe to block the incoming attack. With a quick spin, Lloyd knocked all four Ninjas in the face, leaving them momentarily stunned.

Jay, determined to join the action, tried to attack Lloyd with his nunchucks. However, Lloyd gracefully ducked and countered, sending Jay flying toward a collection of fake trophies owned by Dareth.

"Ah! No, no, no! No, no, no! No! No, no, no," Dareth panicked, realizing the potential damage to his cherished trophies. He hurriedly rushed to the window and opened it, preventing Jay from crashing through the glass.

Lloyd unleashed a powerful surge of green fire from both hands, but a small unintended flame ignited from his body, causing small patches of carpet to catch fire. Reacting swiftly, Dareth stomped on the flames, extinguishing them before they could spread.

As the intense training continued, Jay persistently knocked from outside. "Hey, open the window! Let me in!" he called out, eager to rejoin the action.

Meanwhile, in the Destiny's Bounty, Master Wu stared out of the window in his room, looking down on the busy streets of Ninjago. Worry etched on his face, wondering what has happened to his dear brother, Garmadon. They haven't heard anything from Garmadon over a month or so, wondering what evil plan he is coming up with.

Adding to this, he is also worried about his young pupil Y/N who is still in a deep coma after the unfaithful event a week ago. After the unfortunate incident at the Winter Formal, everyone became really worried about Y/N. Regina had done something to her, injecting her with a mysterious substance that put her in a deep coma. Y/N's body turned cold and gray, however, she is still alive and breathing, giving hope for her eventual recovery. Regina and E/N had disappeared, leaving the team wondering what had happened to them.

In an attempt to distract Lloyd from the worry, Lloyd threw himself into his training. Determined to become stronger, he pushed himself to the limit. However, he never forgot about Y/N. Regularly, he would visit her, even though she couldn't respond. Sitting by her side, he would recount the events that happened since the incident, hoping that somehow, deep within her unconscious state, she could hear his words and find comfort in his presence.

Master Wu's concern for both Garmadon and Y/N weighed heavily on him, like an invisible burden. As he stared at the picture of his family - himself, Misako, and Garmadon - memories flooded his mind. He missed the brother he once knew, before darkness had consumed him.

Misako walked into Master Wu's room, a red leather scroll bag slung over her arm. She noticed the picture he was holding and smiled, reminiscing about the time when Garmadon was still human.

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