A Dire Warning

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It was the weekend, and the Ninjas were gathered in the gaming room of the Destiny's Bounty, playing Elemental Dragon Race. Laughter and cheer filled the air as Lloyd, Jay, and Y/N, the team's video game masters, competed against each other. Meanwhile, Master Wu watched over Ninjago City from the ship, enjoying the bustling streets below.

Taking in the cool breeze, Master Wu suddenly heard a bell ringing nearby. He turned his attention towards the sound and saw the Mailman hurrying towards the Bounty on his bike.

Finally reaching the ship, the Mailman stepped on board, panting and trying to catch his breath.

"You Ninjas are hard to find," the Mailman panted, wiping his sweaty forehead. He reached into his blue mail bag and pulled out a small black box and a letter. Glancing at the receiver's name, he said, "A package for Y/N L/N."

"Thank you, Mr. Mailman," Master Wu said, taking the package from him. The Mailman then continued on his way.

Carrying the package, Master Wu made his way to the gaming room, where the sounds of laughter and cheering grew louder behind the closed door.

"Oh, you're so going down!" Lloyd grinned, rapidly pressing buttons on his controller.

"I will make you perish and come out victorious!" Jay shouted, but his words were proven wrong as Y/N demolished Jay's dragon in the game.

"You were saying, motormouth?" Y/N teased, continuing to press buttons on her controller. This left only Lloyd and Y/N to face off against each other.

"My bet is on Y/N!" Kai shouted.

"What? You're betting against me? I thought we were best friends," Lloyd playfully questioned.

"Y/N might beat you," Kai remarked, causing some friendly banter among the group.

Master Wu entered the gaming room, holding a package that caught the attention of the other Ninjas. Zane, always curious, asked, "What's in the box, Master Wu?"

The rest of the Ninjas paused the game, intrigued by the mysterious package and eager to know its contents.

"Maybe it's a new Ninja Gis! And probably a love letter too!" Jay's eyes sparkled.

"You think six Gis fit in that small box?" Cole questioned his best friend.

Master Wu chuckled at Jay's enthusiasm and Cole's skepticism. "No, my young Ninjas, it's not new Ninja Gis or a love letter," he replied with a smile.

He walked over to Y/N and handed them the package. "This is for you, Y/N," Master Wu said, his voice filled with intrigue.

Y/N's eyes widened with curiosity as they carefully took the package from Master Wu. The other Ninjas leaned in closer, their excitement growing.

"What could it be?" Nya wondered aloud.

Y/N examined the package, noticing that there was no sender mentioned. "There's no sender," Y/N said, puzzled.

Kai couldn't resist adding a playful comment. "Maybe it's a secret admirer! Lloyd watch out, someone wanna steal yo girl"

Lloyd rolled his eyes, but a hint of amusement danced in his expression. "I highly doubt that, Kai."

Y/N's heart raced as she carefully opened the letter, her eyes scanning the enigmatic words that lay before her.

With December's moon as my guiding light,

On the twentieth day, I'll hide from sight.

Amongst the masses, I'll skillfully blend,

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