Moving In

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Rain drops fall harder from the sky as I run in the wet sidewalk, trying to reach the house as fast as I can before my dad comes home. Is already passed 7 in the evening and we've reached back to Ninjago City pretty late. There has been one more attack located in Ignacia Village by the serpentine and it took us a while getting back to Ninjago. But it was fun hangout with them, and use my elemental powers freely without worrying that someone will discover my identity. Me and Lloyd even had a spare to see who's more powerful but it was a tie.

I didn't bother climbing to my room since the roof can be really slippery when is raining so, for now, I will be going inside the house using the front door. I quietly close the front door and walk towards the stairs, water dripping to the floor. But as I walk, the house seems to be strangely quiet. Like, is quiet but in a weird way.

Before I could even take a single step on the stairs, a sound of glass shattering is heard when it hit my head, making me get knocked towards the stairs. I felt a stingy pain on the back of my head and held it, feeling small glass shards on my head and something wet leaking out. A hand grabbed the color of my hoodie and threw me on the floor, I couldn't see the face but when lightning strike, it lit up the house a bit from the window to reveal my dad looking at me.

My dad grabbed the collar of my neck again and threw a punch at my face, making me taste my own blood. He then made me stare at his eyes, he then asked, "Where were you?"

"Away from you!" I yelled and grabbed his wrist and burn it with my hand. He screamed in pain and let me go. I started to get up but I slipped because I'm still dripping wet. I once again attempt myself to get up but I got my hair pulled back and got thrown towards the table where our family photo were and drop down.

"You bitch!" My dad yelled and kicked me on the stomach while I'm the ground. I curl up into a ball feeling pain all over my body as my dad kick me.

"Dad! Please! Stop!" I begged. My dad kicked me one more time and grabbed my collar once again.

"I should have ended you when I had a chance! If it wasn't for Regina telling me to keep you alive, my life would been better of, without you!" My dad shouted and held my neck tight, strangling me. "And now, I'm going to end you"

I held his wrist and struggle to get lose from his grip. He got on top of me and my dad strangle me even harder, making my legs swarm on the end and trying to breathe and stop my dad. But it was useless. Right before I could pass out, I brought both of my arms between us and unleashed a strong wind right at him to get off me. He got thrown into the ceiling and fell on my side, unconscious. I gasped for air and started coughing.

I look at my dad in fear and reach for the doorknob to get out of the house. I turn the doorknob and runout of the house, the rain dropping on my head and leaving a stingy sensation from my freshly new wound on the back of my head. I run towards B/F/N house, the only place I could get help.

When I reached my destination, I bang my fist into her door and shouted, "B/F/N! B/F/N!"

I heard the door unlocked and opened, revealing B/F/N on the door.

"Y/N! Oh my God!" B/F/N gasped and let me in her house, closing the door behind. "What happened to you?"

"My dad... he beat me up..." I said and soon started to burst into tears. B/F/N hugged me and I continue to cry on her shoulder.

B/F/N rub my back and continue to let me cry on her shoulder. I told everything to B/F/N on why I got beaten up but left the part where I used my elemental powers to escape. B/F/N started to clean my wounds on my head and lemme tell you, B/F/N has the most lightest and steadiest hands ever. She can literally be a doctor with those hands. After B/F/N was done, I took a shower and healed my wound and bruises as I'm at it. She made me wear some of her clothes and they fit perfectly nice.

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