Identify Revealed

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I sat inside of the Destiny's Bounty, waiting for the Ninja's to come back from their mission on a remote village. And as I wait, I'm here stuck doing my homework. The Ninjas are fighting a few serpentine in the village, and except the Purple Ninja save the village, she's stuck doing homeworks.

Nya walked in the Bridge and sat on the table, looking at me.

"Oofz, Geometry. That's hard" She remarked.

I replied, "Yeah. Is literally brutally murdering my brain cells"

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it" She assured and sat next to me, "Can I ask you something weird?"

I stopped with what I'm doing and look at her, "Yeah, what is it?"

"Don't you think is weird that the Purple Ninja isn't here, fighting the serpentine along side the Ninjas?" She questioned. "I mean, he's supposed to be out there fighting the serpentine like last month but he just disappeared"

They seriously think that the Purple Ninja is a boy? Excuse me, Ninjas can be girls too.

"I guess, maybe the Purple Ninja's just busy dealing her personal life" I answered.

Nya leaned on the table and said, "Did you just say her?"


"Uhh... no I didn't" I lied.

"Yes you did" Nya insisted.

"Yes, maybe I did, but Ninjas can be girls too so is better to say "her" as well" I explained.

Nya made her lip thin and hummed, agreeing with me. "Fair point"

The Ninjas soon came in, chattering and laughing.

"Hey guys, how's the mission?" I greeted.

"It was great. Got to kick a lot of Serpentine butts today" Lloyd grinned.

"Agreed, but it seems weird that the Purple Ninja didn't come and fight the serpentine" Zane mentioned.

"Yeah, what happened to him? I wanna have a rematch because I still haven't gotten over what he did to me when we first encountered him" Kai wondered.

Oh yeah, Kai slipped on ice. I guess that still hurt him.

"Well, maybe he's just busy with some fighting in different places" Cole chimed in.

I'm honestly starting to hate when they say "him/he". Ninjas can be girls for Christ's Sakes.

Master Wu walk in the Bridge and the Ninjas bowed at him, I also gave him a bow.

"Good job on defeating the Serpentine, Ninjas" Master Wu congratulate.

"Thank you, Master Wu" Lloyd thanked.

An alert is heard and the Ninjas look at the screen, seeing an attack in Jamanakai village.

"Another attack? It hasn't been 30 mins since the last Serpentine attack" Jay complained.

Nya head to the keyboard and try to get a satellite image of the attack, "Yeah but this time, is not the serpentine attacking"

Nya got the image of the attack in Jamanakai village, and it isn't the Serpentine. Is people who are black as shadows.

"What the heck are those?" Cole gasped.

"Whatever it is, we need to save Jamanakai village and stop them" Kai demanded.

The Ninjas agreed and started to get ready for the next fight.

"Nya, set the course to Jamanakai Village" Master Wu instructed.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now