Dreams of the Past

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I stood in dark, cold place. No light or anything can be seen in this dark place. I tried to let out fire from my hands, to light up the place but seems like my element isn't working in here. I decided to walk in a straight line, hoping to find my way out of this dark place. As I walk, I soon started to see a faint light ahead. I started to run towards it, to get out of this place.

I ended up in an alley of a village. It was nighttime here. There was trash and graffiti in the walls of the alley. Soon, a scream was heard and it made me run towards it. People were fleeing away from an attack, houses were burning and children were crying.

The weird thing is, the people that were attacking doesn't have any face. Is just plain blackness. The whole body is black.

I tried to help some people but I can't seem to touch them. I just go pass through them.

"Hello sister" A feminine voice greeted. I look behind and see a grown woman, with very dark, long black hair, black clothes and a black mask.

On the side, a person in purple is seen fight the dark figured people. But seems like, every time it gets hit, it just fade into thin air.

"Mom..." I gasped silently.

"I don't know who you are, but I do know I don't have a sister" She said and ready her fighting stance against her.

The mask woman laugh at her and brought down her mask, showing a smile to her. "How rude am I?" She bowed down at her, "Regina, your lost sister"

The woman, Regina threw daggers at my mom and my mom avoided it. She let out ice from her hand but Regina, gracefully dodge it like it was nothing. The black haired girl soon disappeared in the dark and Mom let out fire from both of her hands, getting her guard up.

"Is funny how you got all of our father's element, and yet you suck at using them" Regina mocked.

A person suddenly appeared behind her, and a sword was about to strike to the Purple Ninja.

"Mom!" I yelled.

A loud sound of metal clash, echoing throughout the village.

Mom blocked the attack with a sword. A sword that appeared out of no where. I couldn't clearly see what the sword look like but I can tell it has a purple color in it.

"That's cute, a sword" Regina snickered, "And you think that will stop me? Think again"

She threw a low roundhouse kick to the legs of my mom, making her groan. Once my mom got distracted a bit, Regina threw a butterfly kick on the face. I gasped and wanting to help, but it was useless. Mom groaned in pain, holding her jaw. She raised her hands and water all over the village came flowing. Mom attacked her with the water but before the water could even touch Regina, two dark tentacles came out of nowhere and pinned my mom on a wall of a the house.

"Also, I forgot to mention. I'm a master of Shadow, sis" She added.

Regina raised her hand, with a sword in it but suddenly, the scenery changed.

I'm now in my house, I saw the sight of both of my mom and dad standing in the kitchen. Both having an angry expression.

"We just give Y/N to Regina, F/N! We both know what she will do to her!" My mom shouted.

Give me to Regina? Huh?

"I don't give a shit. Our lives has been miserable ever since Y/N's been born. Do you want Regina to destroy Ninjago along side the Overlord?" My dad shouted back.

"I don't, and that's why I've been training her early for her to be ready to fight Regina!" Mom said.

"Training won't do shit! Even if you like it or not, I'm taking Y/N to Regina and you can't stop me!" Dad shouted and grabbed the car keys.

My mom immediately grabbed my dad's hand to let go of the keys, and I soon realized my mom's eyes were purple.

"Don't you dare bring Y/N to Regina. Or else I'm divorcing you" My mom threatened.

Dad's facial expression starting to have a painful expression. Dad let go of the keys and Mom then let go of my dad's hand. Mom grabs the keys and head to the car.

"Where are you going?" Dad questioned, chasing mom.

Mom got in the car and put the key in the ignition, she answered, "I'm taking Y/N away from you. Because I know that once I'm gone, you're going to bring her to Regina"

"You can't do that!" Dad jeered at her.

My mom looked at him, her eyes still purple. "Watch me"

My mom soon started to drive away from dad and he tried chasing it but can't. When mom was about to turn right, the car got hit by a speeding car and exploded.

I gasped at the sight of the car, I dropped to the floor and tears stream down on my cheek.

So this is how my mom died. This is why my dad's been blaming me over mom's death.

I look at my dad and his eyes were...


A woman with long black hair suddenly appeared behind dad, and whispered, "Make her life a living hell, then bring her to me when she fully reaches the right age"

The grown woman turn her head to me, she smiled at me and charged at me. I brought my arms up to not get hit. I expected her to hurt me but my eyes flatter open and saw someone right on top of me.

"Hello" A distorted female voice greeted smiling.

Is that... me?

She looks the same as me, but her skin is dark grey and her eyes, is glowing purple.

She soon started to strangle me in my bed and I once again, I jolted awake, sitting up. I took deep breathes and I held my neck. Checking for bruises.

Soon, my phone alarm clock went ringing. I let out a deep sigh and drop to my bed, my phone still alarming.

Great, another day in school.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now