To Attract and Fight or to Attract and Capture? [Part 2-2]

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"She doesn't really quit, isn't she?" Kai said while looking at the TV.

"She will never quit until she kills me" Y/N said and head to the balcony

"Where are you going?" Jay said before she could climb the balcony ledge

"Going to stop E/N, what else?" Y/N said and stand the balcony ledge

"Y/N, you can't just fight her by yourself. With the destruction she did, she's gotten stronger, You won't be able to defeat her" Kai said. Kai's right, E/N gotten stronger. The last time Y/N defeated her, it was because the Dark Matter.

"If I defeated her once, I can defeat her again" Y/N said and jump down, she summon her Energy Dragon and head for the Amusement Park.

The boys didn't have a choose but to follow her, they change to their Ninja Gi and grab their elemental Blade. They climb to the Ultra Dragon and follow Y/N. But little did they know that it was a distraction to lure them.

-Time Skip Fan Fact: Lloyd is three-quarters human, an eighth Oni, and an eighth Dragon-

Y/N arrive at the park, she fired ice to froze the lava. She flew down and jump down, she look around to make sure everyone is evacuated, until she heard someone scream for help

"Someone! Help!" Y/N run where she heard the scream, the person yelled again it and it was coming from the inside of the ghost train. She quickly went inside and saw E/F/N struggling to get out of the cart

"I thought you are at school" Y/N said and cross her arms

"I didn't go to school so I can celebrate my brother's 5th birthday. Now, can you please help me out of this thing?" E/F/N said

"I think I rather not, with all the things you and E/N did to me, I think I won't let you out of that train cart" Y/N said

"Look I'm sorry, OK! I know I've been a bitch to you ever since your mother died, and I'm sorry! Please, let out of this thing" E/F/N said

"Nope" Y/N said, smirking under her hood

"PLEASE!" She said again. Y/N didn't have a choose, she went to her cart and left it off the metal off E/F/N. Before E/F/N left the cart, Y/N grab her arm

"Don't make me regret saving your life E/F/N" Y/N said to her, E/F/N nodded and Y/N let go her arm. They
got out of the the ghost train, E/F/N run to the exit.

"Y/N!" Cole said. Y/N look up and saw the ultra dragon, the boys jump down and the dragon flew away

"Have you able to catch E/N?" Kai asked

"No" Y/N said. They all started to form a plan, until something red and black started to emerge from the lava. They are all in a circle, and Jay was the one who notice it

"Uhhhh... guys..." Jay said

"What is it Jay?" Y/N said. Jay pointed behind her and Cole, they look behind.

The lava is starting to form into a humanoid lava people holding lava weapons. They all face their back to each other and ready to fight, Zane attack first and froze 3 lava people and broke. The others started to fight against the lava people, but the more they destroy, the more others are created

"Why does everyone we fought with had an army? Lightning!" Jay yelled and zap 5 lava people

"They just keep coming!" Cole said and continue fighting back

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