Spy for a Spy

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Before you guys read this. Follow and read my friend's books and some people that I followed. Nie_Chan013  Rai_Chan07Anime   AwkwardSunset   piancq . Make sure to read their books! And I want to say sorry to Windy178  that I couldn't make the dare. Sorry.

And sorry if this chapter sucks


I'm still trying to figure out who is the master of water, the element gotten stronger and I think he or she's here inside the palace. All of of us are eating together to celebrate the 9 of us "reaching" this far in the tournament. Earlier, Shade and Tox had match and Shade won. I was eating with the guys and I was between Garmadon and Kai. Me and Lloyd are still cold to each other and the guys comforted me, which is sweet of them. A kabuki offered some yellow round jelly thing to Lloyd

"Try the horned wasp eggs. Delicious!" Chen said

Lloyd touch the food and it wiggle "Uh, I think I'll pass"

"Oh, lighten up, Green Ninja. This isn't a trick. This is a feast to celebrate the nine of you making it to the second round" The Kabuki laugh "And I must congratulate the Master of Shadow's defeat over Master of Poison. She was a bit hard to swallow, am I right?" The Kabuki laugh "Laugh harder! Hahahaha!" Chen said and the Kabuki laugh harder

I place my chin on my palm "So much for a celebration" I said with boredom, playing a eyeball on my tray using my chopsticks

"You can relax, Lloyd. Even if there was a fight, now that we told the others about Chen's dirty plot to steal our Powers, we're safe in our secret alliance" Kai said

"I tried to enlist Shadow, but that dude's throwing some serious shade" Turner joined in

"I'll try to convince Shade" I said

"Well, if you plan to stop Chen, you'll need everyone on board. Each fighter that loses gives him strength. Soon he'll be too powerful for even all of you combined to overcome" Garmadon said and Lloyd gave Shade a glare. I continued eating my food.

"Ooh, fortune cookies! Bring them to me!" Chen said. A Kabuki walk to him with a tray of fortune cookie and grab a fortune cookie. I started to listen

"But they are for your captured—I mean, honored guests" Clouse said

"I'm not gonna eat them, Clousey Clouse. Just read the fortunes. They're my favorite part" Chen said

Clouse grab Chen's fortune cookie "Might I warn you our guests are fond of whispering, and I don't think it's about your food. I've heard word they have allied themselves. The Ninja have told them about our secret ceremony"

"Do they know about the spell?" Chen ask. What kind of spell? I didn't heard anything about the spell

"Not yet, but we must get ahead of this" Clouse suggested and Chen put back the fortune cookie.

I turned to Garmadon "They know about the alliance" I whispered and continued eating

"It has come to my attention that there are rumors floating about that I am stealing everyone's power. I am" All of us gasp "But it's all for this staff" He claps, and the Kabuki waves their hand fans "No, no. Not you, staff. I mean my real staff" The door opens revealing the staff. The masters gasp, the pain on my shoulder is back and I clench my fist.

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