Eyes of a Dragon

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E/H/C - Enemy's Hair Color

H/L - Hair Length


I walk into school and begin to be greeted with stares and whispers as I walk down the school's corridor. Giving me the bombastic side eyes seemed to follow my every move, and whispers from them grew louder and more intense. The weight of their whispers and stares caused my heart to beat fast and shoulder heavy, making me question and wondered what caused them to act like this.

B/F/N stormed towards me, her face filled with anger and frustration. Without a word, she firmly grabbed my wrist, her grip tight but with a hint of concern. She then pulled me into the sea of students who continued to stare and whisper.

We entered the girl's bathroom, and my B/F/N wasted no time in asserting her authority. "Get out of the bathroom!" she ordered, her tone leaving no room for argument.

The girls quickly gathered their belongings and exited, shooting me bombastic side eyes as they walked past. The atmosphere in the bathroom instantly shifted, becoming more tense and uncomfortable.

"B/F/N, what's happening? Why are you acting like this?" I questioned, with a hint of fear and concern.

B/F/N let out a heavy sigh and reached into her pocket, retrieving her phone. She quickly pulled up an image and showed it to me. My heart sank as I saw a picture of myself talking to a person with a hood, exchanging what appeared to be a bag filled with green, suspicious-looking substances, along with a smaller bag containing a white powder. I felt shock, disbelief, confusion, and betrayal all at once. Questions raced through my mind: How did this photo come to be? Who took it? And why would anyone think I was involved in such activities?

"Are you doing drugs?" B/F/N questioned, frowning.

"No! I don't even know they were drugs until you told me!" I reasoned, my voice filled with genuine confusion and disbelief.

"Stop the cap, the proof is there!" B/F/N argued.

"Dude! I don't even do drugs, let alone drink alcohol. That photo is fake!" I defended myself, looking into her eyes.

B/F/N lowered her arm and paced around the room, her gaze fixed on the ceiling. After a moment, she turned to me, her expression serious. "Where were you this weekend?"

I looked at her, noticing a hint of hurt in her eyes as she questioned my whereabouts. "I swear, B/F/N, I was with Lloyd and the others at the Bounty," I said, my voice filled with a mix of frustration and disappointment.

"Do you have any proof?" she questioned, her hands placed defiantly on her hips.

I took out my phone and opened my gallery, scrolling through the photos with a sharp sigh. There they were, pictures of me wearing my Ninja Gi, moments captured with Lloyd, images of the missions I had undertaken over the weekend, and even a snapshot of me and Cole, with the background showing his past self sleeping.

"Well, do you?" B/F/N nudged.

I showed her the photos, frustration evident in my voice as I responded, "Yes, I do have proof! Look at these pictures. They clearly show that I was with Lloyd and the others at the Bounty, not doing anything that you're accusing me of."

With a determined look on her face, she firmly grasped my phone and began scrolling through my gallery. Her eyes scanned each photo, her fingers zooming in on the details. The room fell into silence, the only sound being the soft swiping of her finger against the screen.

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