Back to school

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Thank you for the 7k reads! I think I want to do a book 2 of this... Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter! 💜

Requested by @spinnerpotterhead

OC of @pokebake1019


F/T- Favorite Tea

I was in the streets, everything is advance and quiet. Cars left floating without wheels, glass roads on the sky and a building where Lloyd defeated the Overlord is now rebuild. No one was on the streets, is like a ghost town.

"What are you doing? Let me go, you fool!" That voice... I run where the voice came from, I saw Zane blasting ice to, the Overlord? I saw Jay, Cole, Kai, Lloyd and the senseis going to the sewers. I started to run to Zane, but everything changes into smoke and I was in a forest

"How did I?" I said and look around and saw E/N running away, and saw myself chasing her? I started to followed them, E/N stopped running and myself did

"You have no where to go, E/N" Myself said. E/N chuckled

"Oh really? Maybe you are the one who have no where to go..." E/N was surrounded by black smoke and she turned to Katsumi.

"Katsumi?" Me and Myself said. Everything turns into black smoke and I saw nothing


"Y/N? Y/N?"

"Mmmm..." I slowly open my eyes. I was facing Lloyd and was trying to wake me up

"Y//N, wake up" Lloyd said. I turn around and I went back to sleep

"Lep me slep Layd" I said and cover myself

"Come on Y/N, or your late for school" Lloyd said and took the covers off me, the cold make me shivers

"I don't care about school, I just want to sleep after last night" I said and took the covers from him

"Fine then" He said and pick me up bridal style

"Lloyd! Put me down!" I said. The blanket fell down from me, Lloyd didn't put me down so I just wrap my arms on his neck

"If you didn't stay up last night trying to get chicken dinner, you won't be this sleepy" Lloyd said

"Fine, fine just put me down!" I said. Lloyd throw me down on the bed. I grab the pillow and throw it to him

"You jerk" I said. Lloyd blocked the hit using his arms and laugh. We heard the door opens and a grumpy Cole came

"You can guys make out later, OK? Just get ready!" Cole said and slam the door

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I said teasingly.

I got out of bed and do my morning routines. I wore a gray t-shirt, blue jeans, gray shoes and a purple zipped hoodie, I grab my bag and went to the living.

 I wore a gray t-shirt, blue jeans, gray shoes and a purple zipped hoodie, I grab my bag and went to the living

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"Morning" I said to them. I put down my bag on the couch and lean on the counter, Misako gave me F/T tea. "Thank you" I said and drink the tea. I notice Cole was murmuring something and he has a grumpy face indeed "Why is Cole so grumpy this morning?" I said and sat down

"Well, last night someone has been giggling through out the night" Kai said and open the fridge

"Giggling?" Lloyd asked and sat next to me

"Yep, that's why Cole is grumpy because someone interrupted his beauty sleep" Kai said

"Or maybe because he had a period" Said me and Nya in unison.

"Really? You two have to say that?" Misako said

"What? Don't tell me you didn't experience being grumpy while you had your period" Nya said

"I did but you two shouldn't talk about it" Misako said

"Ok then, I should go before I got late" I said and grab one more bread

"I thought you don't care about school" Lloyd said

"Is just an expression" I said while chewing the bread. I grab my bag and open the door "Bye guys" I said and went out.

-Time Skip-

I got to school without getting notice by the fangirls, I was at the school gates, nervous and afraid. I don't know what will all their reaction when I come back. The school has been used for evacuation site for a month, and I think there will be school on saturdays. I went inside the gates and I can feel every eyes on me, I pretend I didn't notice and just walk to the school doors

"Y/N right?" A girl that had blond hair, and green eyes asked. She was with a boy with brown hair and blue eyes that is wearing glasses

"Yeah..." I said

"Can we get a picture?" The boy asked

"Sure, I guess" I said and they took a picture with me.

"Thank you!" The girl said and walk away. That was weird.

"Well, looks like someone is now popular" I turn around and saw a guy with Dark Brown hair and Blue eyes wearing a Letterman Jacket with a Beanie. He looks familiar

"Do I know you?" I asked

"Maybe..." He said

"Micheal?" I said

"Maybe..." He said once again.

"Oh my god Micheal" I said and hug him "How long has been? Just don't asked that. How are you and how's your parents?"

"I'm fine and my family is great" He said.

Micheal and I have been childhood friend ever since he move to Ninjago, but he moved to the states for some reason. And now, look at him, his back to Ninjago City.

"Y/N can we please get a picture of you? We are your #1 fan" A girl asked again with another girl, interrupting me and Micheal

"Yeah" I said and they took a picture with me, but I didn't smile

"Thank you!" They said together and left

"Not used to it?" He asked


Me and Micheal talked, we don't have same schedule but we are at the same homeroom and lunch. We talked and catch on things.


Sorry for the delay of posting, I was to lazy to write and have to much ideas on here. Thanks to @pokebake1019 for letting me use his/her OC here. I know I don't have the exact information about your OC and I'm sorry about that. I will only post one time this week, but don't worry I will try to post another this week.

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