The guys caught you and Lloyd cuddling

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Requested by EmmaThePhantomWolf


I got back to the apartment, so stressed out. There are 3 projects that have to be done until the end of the week, and my groupmates are just so annoying. I'm the leader of 2 projects and the other one is individual, my groupmates won't listen to me and won't cooperate. Why did I became a leader on both projects in the first place?

I toss my bag on the chair and lay on the bed, no one at home and I think their at Darkley's again. Why do they even go to Darkley anyway? I grab a pillow and scream in it. Why does school have to be so stressed full! I didn't scream again but I didn't take off the pillow of my face. I heard the door open and closes, I didn't took off the pillow but someone took it off.

"What do you want, Lloyd?" I said and and turn my head to him

"Did something happen?" He asked and sat at the bed

"Don't asked" I said and took another pillow

"E/F/N?" Lloyd asked. I shook my head slowly "School?" I nodded "Tell me about" I took the pillow of my face

"So many projects, my group mates won't cooperate, the deadline is on the last day on the week and there are more up coming projects next week" I said "I can't take it with all the stress" I said and cover my face with the pillow

"Hey" He said and took the pillow "How 'bout this? Why don't we do something? Netflix, video games or whatever you want to do"

"Can we watch The Lego Movie?" I said

"Sure" He said and kiss me on the forehead. He got his laptop and we started to watch The Lego Movie and we started cuddling while watching it.

Cole's POV th

I've been hearing giggling on one of the rooms and Kai thinks it was Lloyd and Y/N making out, I mean who thinks that? Jay was mumbling because I made him pause his game so all of us can check on Lloyd and Y/N on what ever they are doing. Kai has a his phone, recording it with a smile on his face. We got to their door and the giggling can be hear on the other side of the door

"So what are you waiting for? Open it" Kai said, whispering

"Cole come on, I have a game to finish and Zane have to do some cooking" Jay said

"Fine" I said and open the door. Y/N and Lloyd are really cuddling, Lloyd was on top of Y/N, kissing... Lloyd made way to her neck, she turn her head to us and saw us. Y/N tag his shirt and...

"Dude! A little privacy!" Lloyd yelled and throw us a pillow. We all run away and an Angry chasing us...


I'm sorry that this chapter is short, is because I have nothing in mind to put anything here. Before I forgot, I will not post anything next week due to the final exam and after that... (Drum Roll) No School! Yay! But the week after that, I will only post 2 last chapters and this is all done

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