The Forgotten Element

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Before you guys read this, I'm sorry this is late. I know is 3 weeks and I'm sorry. So many projects to do, life problems, our 1st periodical exam is coming and I don't have a mood of making this chapter. Literally, not a single bit. I just force myself to write this. Anyway, gomenasai (sorry) for not posting this.


This chapter literally 5K+ words, gomenasai. And credits to the person who made the Zukin Gi. Love your art!



I woke up on a cold, cement floor, head pounding too. I can feel something heavy and cold on my wrists. I open my eyes, and the next thing I was greeted by a blurry sight and the pounding gone worse, earning me a low groan.

"She's awake" A familiar male voice exclaimed

I sat up, holding my head. I look around, I can the colors red, blue, black and other colors that I can't make out "What happened?"

"You should be asking that yourself, Phantom" I believe that Paleman voice said

"Well, I'm sorry Paley, but I don't remember anything" I said, my vision becoming normal. I look at wrist, I'm in chains. Chains made from Vengestone "Where am I?"

"A dungeon, under the island" Neuro said. I stood up and look around, to see who are captured. Neuro, Paleman, Shade, Turner, Jay, Kai and including me. I look at Kai, seeing him having a one of those heartbroken face "Looks like you got your heartbroken" I said, with a smirk

Kai ignore me, leaving the cell quiet. I knew Skylor is the spy since day one, I have the feeling that she has bad intentions and I was right. The weird thing is I did not totally felt the element of ice, I never felt it or she didn't really have it in the first place, just now in this challenge. But I was with her at the blimp, but I didn't felt anything.

"You were right Y/N, Skylor was the spy" Jay said, with guilt in his voice

"I told you, she use the element of form to hide the tattoo" I said and leaned on the wall

"You knew she was the spy?" Turner ask, shockingly

"Yeah, I didn't said anything because I knew they won't believe me" I look at Kai "Telling me that I'm lying"

"Why are you looking at me? I didn't said anything " Kai protest

I cross my arms "Yeah right, like you want to be on Lloyd's side to agree that I'm lying. Oh! Of course you'll team up with him, your in love with that red haired bitch who actually broke your heart. And who's fault is that? You"

"Take. That. Back" Kai hissed, walking up to me

I walk to him, still wearing the same smirk "Then what? Beat me up so I can take back what I said?" I teased

Kai hold the collar of my jacket and pinned me on the wall, making the elemental masters back away. They couldn't interfere, to afraid to get in the mess "I'd gladly take the offer"

Shade step between us and push us part like we are cats fighting "You guys can argue all you want after we get out of here" Shade look at me "And as for you, Y/N. I think is better if you keep your mouth shut"

I didn't said anything after that. I just kept my mouth shut. Kai's lucky that I'm in Vengestone or else, I'll already thrown him off this damn cell and him having a broken back. I mean, I would like to do that but this stupid  Vengestone, is just stopping me. The cell door opens and two guards walk in, from outside I can see Chen looking at me with a evil smirk. Like his planning something, something that he want to do with me. And it hit me.

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