...Because I still love you

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I want to say thank you to sarakaehne  for helping me in this chapter. I'll underline the things that she helped me.

F/IC/F - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor


I regret this.

I knew this will happen. I should've really expected it.

Scarlett, Kai, Ali and James are bugging me if I'm the Purple Ninja. Asking me questions the whole day as we work. Well, the good thing is they just kept it a secret for now but I have no plan on telling them until they know about it. I just want to play a little game.

"Can you make this coffee hot just using your breath?" Scarlett asked next to me as she made the customer's order. I only out a groan and ignore her, continuing doing my job.

We say goodbye to a costumer, leaving the cafe empty in the after noon. I'm so thankful that today isn't crowded like a few days ago, we barely have costumers this time. And no one to hear about them asking if I'm her.

"Hey Y/N. Can you unleash a strong wind, blowing the dust here outside?" James asked with a smile.

"Or charge my phone?" Kai ask

"Or crash this bone in half?" Ali ask

I let out a long groan "Will you guys stop?" I beg. They didn't said anything and leave me be "Thank you"

But I spoke to soon "Like literally, can you charge my phone?" Kai ask, poking his head out from the kitchen. I sent him a glare and he flinched "I take that as a no then"

I shook my head and let out a frustrated sigh. Wish I didn't come to work. I really regret it. Like really. I lean on the counter behind me and felt my phone vibrate, I took it out and open it, receiving a message from GH.

GH: Hey Y/N. You're probably busy doing something, but can we meet up at Cupid's Ice Cream Shop? At 2:30 sharp

GH? Who's G—Oh! Lloyd or GreenHoodie. I totally forgot that I haven't change his name here. I should probably and turn it to Goldilocks. Just to annoy him.

I smile on my thought and I reread the message and notice we've been meeting at Cupid's Ice Cream Shop like 15 minutes ago! And this message was like nearly an hour after! Why the fuck am I receiving this now?! I took of my apron and went to the locker room, to get my helmet and my Jacket. The guys gave me weird looks on why am I being so furious.

"Where's the Cupid's Ice Cream shop located!" I asked. Rushing myself to where my jacket

"A few blocks away from the newly open cake shop" Kai replied

I didn't said anything back and rush to the back and starting my motorcycle. I put my helmet without fixing my hair and drive to the Ice Cream Shop

As I made my way there to the Ice Cream Shop, traffic is flooding to the streets. I've been skipping cars to reach to the shop. I finally reach the shop and park my motorcycle across the Shop, I took a deep relief sigh and took of my helmet. I look at side mirror of my motorcycle, I fix my hair and swipe the sweat across my forehead.

I look at the Store and see a guy in a half open green zipped hoodie sitting on a booth near the window, his phone in hand. Looking out, in deep thoughts. I can tell it's Lloyd because of his emerald green eyes sparkling by the sunlight and his soft blond locks shining by the reflect of the sun. Like a light bouncing from a mirror. I study his facial features more, his curved chin on his left palm, his lips in a thin line, his eyebrows are slightly in a frown position, his slightly pointed nose twitching.

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now