Corrupted with Dark Matter

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The back of my heads hurts, I can feel my hands are chained. I open my eyes but it was blurry, I shook my head and my vision slowly came back. I was in a cave, with black liquid falling down. I was kneeling, my feet chained. My arms are above my head (not tied together), I stand up and felt my feet in chained. I pull the chain on my left hand, I can't break it because I'm not strong enough even if I use my elements. I pull both my hands using all my strength but failed, I kneel down.

"It won't work, Y/N" A familiar voice said. I look up and saw E/N stepping to the light

"What have you done to me!?" I said with anger in my voice and stood up

"Relax Y/N. I haven't done anything to you... yet" E/N said

"I promise, if I'm out of this chain and got my powers back, I will-" She cut me off, she was in front of my face

"Or else what? You can't even end my mom with your purple eyes thingy, your too weak! Just like your mom" She raise her hand, ready to slap me. I tilted my head on the right, ready for the impact.

"E/N! That's not how we treat our subject" I look up and saw Lord Garmadon with the Overlord

"I'm sorry my lords" She said immediately and bow slightly

"Is alright, we still need her with something" The Overlord said, 2 stone warrior came with a syringe and black liquid in a tray

"What is that? Get that away from me!" I panic.

One Stone Warrior grab the syringe, pull the plunger and put the needle to the black liquid. When the tub is half full of the black liquid, he pull it away. The other stone warrior grab my left face and put it in the wall, his other hand holding my body. The other one grab my neck and put the needle inside of my neck, he push the plunger and they let go of me. I can feel it flowing inside me, but it was painful. I scream in pain. I want it gone but whatever it was, it will be permanent. The Overlord and Lord Garmadon left, E/N stayed and look at me. She was grinning evilly, she left me and left me in pain


Y/N was screaming for 2 hours, Lord Garmadon is starting to get annoyed of it even me. The Overlord was enjoying it, he told us it was music to his ears. Ears? But I don't see any. I was wearing my earphones, music playing. I was at mom's tent, watching her. I was scrolling on my tweeter until mom moved, I put down my phone and earphones and help mom sit up. Y/N's scream has stopped

"E/N... where am I?" She asks, her hand on her forehead

"At the base, you are badly injured mom" I said

"Where is Y/N? Aha..." She groan in pain while sitting up

"At a cave, chained. How are you feeling?" I said

"Pain all over my body, mostly on my back" Mom said. She try to make a shadow orb on her hand but non came.

"E/N, I want you to unblock your element if Y/N is fully controlled by the Overlord" She said and try to stand up

"Whoa! You can't stand up yet, your still weak" I said and stop her from standing

"I want to see Y/N, help me up" She said.

I have no choose but to obey her. I put my hand on her waist and the other on her back, her left hand wrap the back of my neck and the other for support. When she was standing, we started to went to the cave where Y/N is. We arrive where Y/N is, she was kneeling down. I heard mom chuckle, Y/N was facing the ground. She look up to us, her appearance change. Except her eyes are E/C, it was glowing purple and her skin is no longer S/C, it's gray.

"Well done, Regina" We turn around and the Overlord came

"Thank you my lord" Regina bow her head

"Once she is fully change, she will no longer be the same Y/N they met" The Overlord said

Yay! Thank God I gotten to post this even I'm to lazy. Anyway, bye guys!!!

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