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M/M/N- Mother's Maiden Name


It's been a year after I was kidnap by Katsumi, or may I say disappeared as I like to say. Even in that one year, a lot has happened. Zane sacrifice himself for Ninjago, the whole team are apart and I change. With this whole last and new element that I'm trying to control, I literally change over the year. And I don't know if I will be back as my normal self, cheerful, long tempered and the life I had.

I still live at Ninjago but I have a different name and some changes in my looks. I no longer had the last name L/N, is now M/M/N, the last name that Katsumi, E/N and Regina had. My eyes are no longer E/C but purple and my hair is still the same but a some purple highlights on the end. I wear E/C eye contacts to hide my purple eyes.

Not only my appearance change, my Elements change too. The my fire is no longer red or orange but purple, my lightning is no longer blue but purple too and nearly everything is purple. It was effected by the element that I'm trying to control, darkness. Darkness is more stronger than any element I had and hard to control according to Katsumi.

The yin yang dragon symbol on the back of my right shoulder started to glow or sometimes ache. I don't know why but Katsumi told me that it was because the element of darkness started to grow stronger and not only that, I can be able to know what element the person have which is cool

"Y/N, your schedule change, your day off is now tomorrow after except for Monday" Said Scarlett, looking at the schedule. Scarlett is my friend in the place I work in, I work in a Cafe Corner Ninjago.

"Again? That's the 4th time your schedule changed" James groaned while mopping the floor

"I'll talk to Mr. Evermore why my schedule change again" I glance on the clock "Looks like my shift is over" I said and took off the apron around my waist

"Where are you going after?" Scarlett ask

"Going home and ready myself for another shitty work tomorrow" I said

"You don't like work, do you?" Ask James, his chin on top of the handle of the mop

"Of course" I said with a smile "See you guys tomorrow" I wave them and went to the locker room. I grab my leather jacket and my motorcycle helmet and went on my way.


1 Year Ago...

I've been trying to get out of this stupid room that has some kind of protection spell, since when Katsumi is a witch or a sorceress? I can't get out and I can't destroy it using all of my element. The room that I'm in a large bedroom that has a big enough training center before my sleeping area, it has the things I need and a photo of the team.

"You do know that you're just wasting all of your strength on trying to destroy the shield" Katsumi said on the door. She doesn't have the same appearance when I saw her when I was in a coma, she looks different. Much younger. I didn't answer back but continuing trying to destroy the shield "You can't always ignore me Y/N"

I stop "If you didn't kidnap me and lock me up at this stupid room, I won't ignore you" I said.  She didn't say another word "Why am I here, Katsumi?"

"You are here because I will train you"

"Train me? I don't need you to train me, I already have Sensei Garmadon. And if you're going to train me, at least ask! Now everyone are now looking for me and Lloyd is now miserable and looking for me around Ninjago!"

The Purple Ninja (Lloyd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now