Rise of the Spinjitzu Master

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Early Update

Dareth's POV (I regret doing his POV)

The whole city was quiet, is like a ghost town. No cars, no people and no animals. Me, Jay's parents, Lou Brookstone and my pupils are beating the life of the stone warrior. We went to the door and kick him out

"Heh, I told you they'd do it" I said and notice the sky was dark and a hole was in the sky

"Oh, is it the Ninjas?" Edna ask

"It must be" Lou said with joy in his voice

"The Ninja have won?" The man with us said

"Haha, we're saved!" Lou said, cheerfully

"About time" Brad from the Darkley's school said, arms crossed

"Now to get this place back in order" Lou said. My left foot was resting at the four-arm stone warrior, he started to laugh. The sky started to glow

"What the?" I said and the sky blast light. We all cover our eyes and took it off when the blast disappear. We all look at the beam of light, we saw machine on the streets "What is that?" I ask. Everybody screamed and run away, I went to the middle of the streets and the mech stop "Whoa..." I said and made eye contact to a dragon like figure "Oh. All right. You will have until the count of three to leave here before I unleash the power of one, hee-yah! The Dragon. Two, penguin" I chatters and notice his blasters pointing at me "Two and half..."

"Three!" The dragon-like figure said and started to fire at me. I quickly run to the end of the streets and took cover from a building, I took a peek "We shall meet again. This I swear!" I said and he fires again, I run away "Where are those Ninjas!" I yelled

Lloyd's POV

We are now stuck at the Dark Island, nothing to get to Ninjago City. Dr. Julien was wrapping my broken leg

"Can I still fight?" I ask and Dr. Julien stop wrapping my leg

"Hmm, I'm sorry. That leg will take weeks to heal" Dr. Julien said

"We don't have weeks" I said. Dr. Julien continue wrapping my leg, I grunt in pain

"And we can't even get to the fight, much less get off this island" I heard Kai said and throw a rock to the ocean

"Ah. I wonder if I'll ever see Nya again" Jay said with a sad voice

"And Y/N too" Cole add

"Perhaps it's best to think of our friends as we remember them in our hearts, not as they are now" Zane said and put his hand on Jay's shoulder. I stood up and and walk over to them, with the help of Dr. Julien

"But I don't remember my father any other way" I said

"Your father loved you. It was the evil of the Great Devourer that corrupted him" Mom said

"Sensei, I don't understand. The prophecy said the Green Ninja would defeat the Dark Lord. Why didn't we win?" Kai said and throw a rock again

"I...don't know" Sensei Wu said

"Don't know? You're Sensei! You always know. You have a long white beard!" Jay said

"There must be some message to learn. A lesson. A word of wisdom. Just a word? Something" Kai said

"For once, I'm afraid there is nothing to learn. Only that evil has won" Sensei Wu said. We all remain quiet until I spoke up

"If Sensei doesn't have a lesson, then I do. I used to be nothing but trouble, but then I met you guys. You took me in. Showed me the importance of being brave, the importance of being strong. And most importantly, being good" I said and groan "When this battle first began, when the  First Spinjitzu Master fought the Overlord and his back was up against the wall and he knew it was all over, did he quit? No. He found a way to keep the fight going. He passed his Elemental Powers to us. Of all people, a bunch of kids. But there must have been a reason he chose us. I'd like to think it's because he knew we'd never back down, we'd never give up. We've learned the ancient ways of the Ninja. And Ninja never quit" I said

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