Beach Vacation [Pt.1]

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"Hit that spot, Lloyd"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Hit it over and over again until it breaks"

"If I do, I'm going hard and rough"

"I don't care, just do it"

Lloyd started to hit that spot over and over again, and he did go hard and rough on that spot. He then break the spot and said, "I'm going to come in"

"Your choose"

He went in the broken wall he made and look around, since it was first person, he wasn't able to see the upcoming zombie on the right and ate him. The screen shows the words, YOU'RE DEAD in red blocky letters with blood licking on the ends of the letters.

"Ha! You died!" I teased and Lloyd sent me glares.

"Why did you even want me to play this?" My boyfriend questioned.

"You said you want to play a Zombie Apocalypse game so this is one of those" I responded and took a bite of my candy bar.

The blondie groaned and lean on the end of our shared bed, looking up in the ceiling. "This is why I hate Zombie Apocalypse video games"

I chuckled at his comment, "Well, if you played The Last of Us, you'll eat those words"

He turn his head to me, "What if I eat you instead?"

I blushed and hit his arm playfully, "Stop flirting with me, you idiot"

"I'm always your idiot" He smirked and kissed me.

Is been over a year and a lot has happened, the guys became celebrities after we defeated the Preeminent (but soon quit, because being a celebrity doesn't fit for them). And I want to make things clear, I didn't became a celebrity because Dareth is being sexist towards me and Nya (because the team should be a "boy band" and girls should do make up, cook food, do chores and stuff, not heroic stuff), and I don't want to be a celebrity anyway. Reasons why I don't want to become a celebrity is because so many stalkers and you can't roam in the streets without being notice by fangirls which I hate, adding to that, so many fake news. When you're just hanging out with someone that is an opposite sex, they think you're cheating. And to be honest, that happened to Lloyd. He was hanging out with B/F/N, congratulating him for his new found fame and with the movie that he and the guys did, they didn't notice a journalist was following them and took a photo of them talking in a café. And guess what the headlines is, "Lloyd Garmadon, cheating with his girlfriend's best friend".

See? That's the reason why I don't want to become a celebrity. There is a lot of things that happened except for that. Long story short, there's a Genie from another realm that framed them with the crimes they didn't commit, making us Public Enemy Number One. Then that 4 armed Genie wants to marry Nya because she looks like his wife. Some of the guys got trapped in sword and that genie made Lloyd old which, not gonna lie, made Lloyd kinda hot (for me). And Jay reverse everything in one wish, making those events didn't happened. Like never. How I got to know this? I don't know, I just do. Jay, Nya and I are the only ones that know those events and we haven't tell the others about this because it will bring a lot of confusion.

A few months after that events, the Day of Departed came and Yang tried to open a rift to be human again but we all stop him and Cole became human again. The Hunted Temple became our new base and right now we're living in it.

Lloyd pulled away and lick his lips, flirting, "You taste like chocolate"

"Because I am eating a candy bar, Mr. Idiot" I said.

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