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"Addy" The sound of my name being called out drummed through my head. "Addy, listen to me" I ignored her. "Adeline Jones. Listen to me you bitch" I rolled my eyes, slamming my pencil against my textbook "What do you want, Carter?" I hissed. I was in the middle of doing my art class project when my best friend barged into my dorm room. She knows I hate being called by my full name. "Please, pretty please with Chris Hemsworth on top, join us tonight" I groaned.

"I'm not going" I said in finality but Carter doesn't listen, "Why not? It's going to be fun" I cringed at her use of enthusiasm "Have you forgotten that my dad will be there that's why I haven't gone to those matches, like ever plus I get claustrophobic" I threw myself onto my bed, plugging in my earphones. The rest of my Friday night was going to be me on a date with The 1975 and my sketchbook. "We have seats right at the front. If you don't come with us, I'm going to tear up your drawings of that curly haired boy that you like so much"

I widened my eyes at her threat and gasped "You wouldn't!" A sly smirk stretched across her bow lips "Try me, Adeline" she stepped towards my bag where I keep my personal sketchbook and I jumped off my bed, lunging towards her as the both of us fell to the ground, my body straddled hers as I grabbed my sketchbook. "Don't you ever threaten Matty" I held the book close to my chest while she laughed beneath me. "Gosh, you love him more than you love yourself" I rolled my eyes "That is a fact"

I moved to stand to my feet when a voice turned my attention to the door "Girl on girl, I like it" I grimaced "Addy, if you're ever into a threesome, hit me up. Though I might just sit back and watch you two have a go" he winked "Fuck off, Ethan" I stood to my height then sat on my bed while Carter picked herself off the floor, walking over to Ethan and sucking his face off his skeleton. "PG guys, PG" I warned the two lovebirds. Ethan and Carter have been dating for about 4 years now and they're still in that godforsaken honeymoon phase.

Two hours later, I was standing in a dark arena amongst the sweaty selves of others, after a lot of persuasion as well. I spotted my father standing by the ring situated in the middle of the large room, the stern look he gives me when I ask for something rests on his face as he spoke to the man in the striped shirt. My dad is the reason why I hardly ever had friends, they were all scared of him. I mean if you take away his intimidatingly towering figure and burly appearance, you get the soft and kind hearted man that he is. I swear his one bicep is larger than the horizontal view of my head.

The lights dimmed even further and I squinted my eyes against the streaks of light that ran across the cheering crowd. I hardly paid attention as the first competitor reached the ring. However, what made me look up was the volcanic eruption of screams that filled the arena. The man that stood to his height after climbing onto the ring, shrugged off his silky jacket, his back faced me. My instant reaction was to gawk at his back muscles as I then watched my dad walk up to him, placing the protective gear onto his head.

A few minutes later, the match began. "That guy is so hot" I heard Carter yell into my ear and I nodded. "I think he's the new guy my dad is training" her eyes widened and a smug look made its way to her face. "Carter! No!" She pouted "What's the harm in getting his number?" I gave her an incredulous look. "Everything" I shrieked above the maniacal crowd, "You don't know if he's psychotic" she scoffed "He has a hot back, he's not psychotic. Trust me, babe, he's definitely great in bed too" I am suddenly afraid of my best friend.

"How do you get that from looking at his back?" I asked "Intuition, my love, intuition" she spoke as if she's a wise person. So far, I haven't seen his face as the protective gear covered it, all I know is that he has a head full of curly hair, tattoos which are littered across his tanned skin and a hot back. The match came to an end and for some reason I cheered really loudly, something so unlike me. Maybe it's because of me watching someone, who was trained by my father, fight and win. Guess I could say it's a proud daughter moment.

"Let's go before my dad notices that I'm here" I said in a rushed tone "Why?" Carter asked "He doesn't like me attending these matches and personally I don't like it either. I only came because you were seconds away from tearing Matty" I explained and she nodded with a roll of her eyes. "Learn to live a little, Addy" we hurried out the venue and into Ethan's car. The drive back to the university dormitory was quiet, something I appreciated.

The next day was Saturday which means I got to go home for the rest of the week. I loved the long holidays. "Hey Dad" I greeted my father who waited outside the dormitory building "Sweetheart, you look great" he opened his arms and I stepped into them, relishing in the feel of home. "I have so much planned for us" he said happily and I widened my eyes. That doesn't mean it's a good thing. My dad is not that much of a planner when it comes to father-daughter bonding sessions but it's the thought that counts, right?

"Great, can't wait" I smiled and he opened the door for me. As we drove away, I turned my head to look out the window finding a couple of my classmates, standing with their jaws hung open, I waved at them while chuckling to myself. For the last two years, no one at the university knew who I am and who's my father. My dad was so busy with building up his life and his own training center that he forgot about me. I worked a few jobs, got a scholarship and here I am.

Balboa Jones, famous fitness trainer and former kickboxer. He's known all over the world. After I was born, he gave up boxing and became a fitness trainer, he then began his own boxing school where he also teaches self defense to many young women and even little children. He also trains upcoming kickboxers and with the help of his friend, they have lessons for martial arts. He truly is an all rounder.

I quite liked the fact that no one knew who I am in WU, it made life so much more simpler. I didn't get scared looks of others as I walked through the halls, people actually spoke to me. I've always asked my dad to show me one of his boxing matches which they still broadcast everyday but he cancelled the subscription. There's even a site named after him and he put a firewall on it so I couldn't go on the site. I mean what's the harm in showing your daughter what you did for a living before she made an appearance.

"Adeline" my father's voice broke my chain of thought "I'm sorry, what?" I turned to him "I've been calling you for the last five minutes" he chuckled and I apologised "I need you to run inside and get a package for me, it's on the front desk" I looked outside to see that we're infront of his training center "Okay" I nodded and got off the vehicle, walking towards the door, my eyes caught the Do Not Enter sign and I gulped, this sign is never here. I lightly pushed on the door and cursed my father for putting a bell above the door. "Oh hush, you annoying thing" I looked up at the bell and whispered.

The grunts and smacking of leather against leather reached my ears as I stepped towards the front desk, grabbing the package that sat on top. I turned to leave when I caught myself staring into the most forest green eyes and that's when I saw him for the first time.

Ewe this was so stupid and cheesy not to forget boring. I will make the next chapter better. This was so rushed, I hate it but here I am still publishing it. I'm sorry if it sucked you guys.

Don't forget to tell me your thoughts and vote.

All the love x

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