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Harry + Adeline =?

"Harry! What a pleasant surprise" Mom exclaimed as she stepped into the living room. Ella followed close behind and immediately jumped onto me, "Okay, you're too heavy now" I chuckled and snuggled her close to me as she began sniffing at my hair and neck before her tongue lapped across my face. A giggle left my lips at the ticklish sensation as I then set Ella to her paws. "Thanks for having me, Mrs Jones" Harry said in a polite manner and then only I took note of his close proximity.

His arm brushed against my back and I slightly shook my head at my mother when she glanced between the two of us. "It's a pleasure, you're such a treat to have around. Anyway, hungry?" Treat? What delusional world was my mother living in? Harry's anything but a treat. He's your treat. Oh hush, I hate my subconscious. "Famished" The curly boy sighed in content, a dimpled grin on his face as I scoffed softly before walking away to my room. Once everything was unpacked, I headed downstairs to find my father opening up a bottle of chardonnay.

"What's the occasion?" I questioned, taking a seat at the dining table "No occasion, just felt like popping open a bottle and since you came home, it's perfect" Dad answered with a smile, sharing a weary look with Harry and I frowned. I read the label on the glass bottle, Mom's favorite. Uh-oh, something did happen otherwise Dad won't have opened this. There's something he's not telling me and I could feel my chest tighten with anxiety at the thought of something going wrong in their marriage or any other part of their lives. I made a mental note to discuss this with my mother later on. For now, I reveled in the sensation the beverage made along my throat.

Soon, as dinner went along, Dad and Harry broke out into small talk regarding the upcoming match with Mom giving her input here and there, advising them on which tactic would be better. Before I was born, she had accompanied Dad everywhere for all his matches but she doesn't anymore and she ended up learning quite a few things from them. I kept quiet the entire time, tossing my vegetables around as I downed the last sip of my second glass of chardonnay. Dinner carried on for the next few minutes until I helped Mom clean the kitchen and wash the dishes while Dad and Harry got out dessert.

Shortly after a few jokes and laughter filled moments, my parents retired to bed leaving Harry and I alone, the remainder of the chardonnay was shared between the two of us. I contemplated asking him if anything is going on between my parents as I watched him lick the ice cream off of the spoon. "You're staring. It's creepy" He pointed out and I averted my gaze to my lap. My mind was a slight haze from having one too many glasses of chardonnay. Yes, my parents allow me to consume alcohol in front of them, it's not a crime. "Can I ask you something?" I spoke, my voice was small and timid. I looked up at the green eyed man to find him already staring at me.

He nodded and I took that as an affirmation, "Is there something going on between my parents that I don't know about?" The spoon he lifted to his mouth, halted in mid air and I watched as the melted ice cream dropped into the bowl beneath it. "Why do you ask?" He recovered and finished the rest of his ice cream, the stress I felt made me scarve down the ice cream within seconds. "It's just that, during dinner, when I asked about the chardonnay, I saw the look my father gave you" I chewed on my bottom lip before continuing "Tell me if there's anything going on, I need to know and it seems like you do" Harry sighed and brushed his knuckle against his nose.

"You don't need to worry about anything because there's nothing to worry for" He said in as somewhat assuring tone but I'm not going to fall for it "Is there a financial crisis? Did they get into a fight because of something else? What is it?" I pressed on further, now facing him as I bent my knee on the couch "Adeline, like I said, there's nothing to worry about. So relax" He sighed yet again and I sunk into my seat. I picked up our ice cream bowls and set them into the dishwasher, I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around seeing Harry standing there.

"How did you convince my father into letting me to go on the ski trip?" I folded my arms against my chest, leaning onto the edge of the sink as I stared into his glazed over eyes "I used my charm and wit" he smirked and I rolled my eyes at his idiotic answer, he then continued "I asked him nicely and promised I'd take care of you, also that this trip would be good for you considering the stress you've been under" He shrugged, pulling off his jacket revealing a sleeve of tattoos. My eyes casted over the swirls of ink, intrigued by their design and curious about their meaning. "You asked him nicely? Are you even capable of that?" I snickered and his tongue poked into his cheek

"Oh, I'm capable of many things, Adeline. I don't think you're capable enough of handling me" The hidden innuendo in his words made my body shiver, a chill running down my spine as his leafy green eyes raked my form. Maybe he didn't say that and the alcohol in my system is making me imagine things. "Tell me, Addy. Are you?" Harry's lowered voice reached my ears, his kissable lips formed a smirk and he took a step forward, "Actually, I think you are" That I'm what? Capable? I gulped inaudibly as his large hand slipped around my waist, pressing onto the small of my back to push me forward. Why is it that I always find myself in situations where I want to rip his clothes off and do unspeakable things to him? He's repulsive.

"Kiss me" Yes, please. I looked into his eyes, they were soft yet brazen, his words weren't of a command this time "I thought you didn't want anything to do with me" I muttered as his nose skimmed along mine and instinctively, I grabbed onto his biceps "I changed my mind" The alcohol that coursed through my veins acted as a confidence booster and my mouth molded with his. Within seconds, I was lifted off my feet and placed onto the cold marble countertop causing me to hiss as it came into contact with my bare skin. My hands slipped around Harry's neck while his gripped onto my thighs, running down my legs to lock them around his waist, our lips never parted. His plump lips were cold from the ice cream he ate yet chapped against my soft ones.

I tightened my hold around his torso and tilted my head to one side as his tongue pushed through my parted lips, massaging along mine in a passionate kiss. A soft moan left my throat when I felt his large hands squeeze my butt cheek as he carried us to my room. My back hit the bed and Harry's lips trailed open mouthed kisses along my jaw to my neck, his teeth nipping at the skin to leave a bruise and I craned my neck to one side, giving him more access. My breathing quickened as I tangled my fingers in his luscious locks, warm against the cold of my skin. His sizeable hands found home under my shirt, fingertips tracing patterns along my skin causing goosebumps to rise in its wake.

I hate how my body is reacting to him but I can't help but melt like putty beneath his touch. I lifted my arms above my head as he began bunching my shirt, yanking it off my torso leaving me in my lacy bra. "Fuck, you're gorgeous" Harry rasped, his tongue darted out to lick his lips while his wondrous orbs glanced down my half-naked torso. Heat rose to my cheeks at his words and Harry's mouth found mine again, I tugged at his hair to pull him closer as my tongue slipped through his lips, dancing with his own only to have the sound of his ring tone break us apart. Startled, he pulled away in shock and my eyes widened as well. What the hell was about to happen?

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