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Alright, so y'all actually want that threesome *takes a deep breath* I'm gonna need a vote on this one. 2 girls & Harry / 2 guys & Adeline (do not say Louis or I swear I will unpublish this book)

"Be still, I can't get a proper picture" Hailey said and Madeline groaned "Try telling him that, even drugged he pushes me away" Hailey snickered at Madeline "Face it, honey. You're used goods, overused" My gaze flicked between the two girls, Hailey stood at the corner with a camera in her hands while Madeline knelt on the bed above a delirious Harry. "Do you really think she's going to buy this?" Hailey asked and Madeline sighed, pulling away from Harry's neck as she began taking her top off. "She has to, I mean why wouldn't she? It's clear that he wants me, he's just too stubborn and as for Adeline, it's going to be child's play. She barely knows Harry and this will only prove that he's the playboy everyone says he is" They hadn't noticed me at the door as yet, I grimaced when I understood the situation and what Madeline was trying to achieve. I blinked my eyes when Hailey pressed the shutter on the camera causing a blinding flash to surround the room. Harry's hands that rested on Madeline's hips fell to the bed much to her dismay.

"Stop it," Harry whined when Madeline began unbuckling his jeans, the clasp made a clink and he pushed her hands away "I have a girlfriend" I held back a smile at his response and watched as she successfully removed his jeans, letting it hang over his ankles. "He likes it when you use your teeth to pull down his boxers, it turns him on even more but unfortunately in this case, he's barely even aroused" I commented, leaning against the doorframe with my arms crossed when I saw Madeline start to tug onto Harry's boxers but his hands kept pushing her away. Harry's boxers were flat, no erection in sight. "Mhm, Addy" Harry smiled in his delirious state, his eyes were closed and Hailey looked at me gobsmacked before the camera fell from her hands.

Madeline growled, frustrated that I ruined her plans, "Aw, is the puppy sad she didn't get her fix?" I spoke in a baby voice, the one I use on Ella. She pulled on her shirt and crawled off Harry, glaring at Hailey "When I said watch the door, I meant watch the door" Hailey shrugged "Did you want me to take pictures or watch the damn door?" Madeline groaned in anger "Where's Rebecca?" I then stepped further into the room "I should actually thank Rebecca, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have known this was happening and I wouldn't have known to what level you can stoop just to have sex with a guy who doesn't even want you" I taunted as I neared Madeline, holding her wrist when she raised her flattened palm "Do you really think that I should be the one to be slapped? Oh honey, you're so delusional" I let go of her wrist and made my way to Harry, grabbing his own as I pulled him up - well tried to.

"I have a girlfriend" I shook my head with a chuckle "I am your girlfriend" Harry's eyes opened in slits and he let out a gasp before he pulled me to his lap "You're here! I couldn't find you then I felt dizzy and somehow ended up in this room" He began kissing my neck and I passed Madeline a smug look, my lips curved into a smirk as hers twisted in rage. "Better luck next time, Madeline" The both girls walked out the room, stomped to be precise and I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Alright, let's get you home" I stood up as Harry bunched my shirt up "I don't want to go home, I want to kiss you and take your clothes off then fuck you" He pouted and I pecked his lips "You can do all of that tomorrow when you're sober" I said and put Harry's shirt around his neck, waiting for him to slips his arms through.

"What happened?" Rebecca asked once I reached downstairs, Harry draped over me "Madeline happened" I then explained what I saw in the room and she burst out into a fit of giggles "I swear, that is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard" I chuckled "Thank you for the warning, why did you do it?" She sighed "I'm not like them. Hailey and Madeline had tried with Harry at first but he didn't want them and now that he's got you, it's annoying them. He really likes you, I can tell and I wouldn't want that to end for you guys plus I know I definitely won't want to find my boyfriend drugged under the clutches of Madeline" I nodded in understanding and smiled "Well I better get him home before he does something he regrets. Thank you again" Rebecca waved her hand "It's no problem"

I held in a bubble of laughter as I drove back to Harry's apartment, seeing Madeline straddling his half naked body made me sober. I couldn't stop thinking about her failed attempt at breaking up Harry and I. "Hey, stay awake. I can't carry you up to your apartment" I tapped Harry's cheek to make him open his eyes and he swatted my hand away "I'm sleepy" I huffed and pressed on the accelerator, reaching Harry's apartment building in a few minutes. "Come on, Harry" I helped him out the car only to have him fall on me, I yelped with his weight being put on me and I steadied him before we took the elevator. Harry was so inebriated that his body fell limp making me wonder what kind of drug did Madeline use and how did she manage to get it into his drink. Pushing those thoughts aside, I stepped out the elevator as I held onto Harry so he wouldn't fall over again.

"Harry, I know you're sleepy but you've got to cooperate with me here, you're too heavy" I groaned as I held him up, his feet stumbled over each other and I let out a deep breath before walking to his apartment "If I do, will you let me take your clothes off?" He poked my cheek and I sighed "Yes, I will" I gave into his whim, knowing he won't even remember in the next second and he grinned then removed his arm from around my shoulder, walking to his apartment with slow, staggered steps but steps nonetheless. I gawked at his retreating back, "You were faking it?" He giggled and I rolled my eyes at the sneaky man in front of me "I'm drunk not stupid" He pointed out as he flung the door opened and pulled me in, closing the door behind us as he led me to his room. "For that, you're not getting to do anything" I grumbled and he pouted "Not even this?" Harry asked as his lips found purchase on my neck.

I hummed softly and shook my head, "Not even that" I felt him pout against my skin and his hands then made their way under my shirt, around my back as he fondled with my bra clasp, tracing his fingertips down my spine while his lips found mine "Not even this?" I muttered a refusal against his lips, trying not to give into the temptation. Harry smirked before sliding his tongue through my lips, his hands fitted in between my ass and my jeans, squeezing the cheek before rounding my waist. His thumbs, skillfully, undid the button and pushed down the zip. I'm pretty sure my jeans are going to be stretched now, I went onto my toes and kissed him harder.

I nudged my knee against his leg, imploring him to move back to the bed, without breaking contact between his mouth and mine. Harry fell back onto the bed with me on top of him and I took that moment to peel myself off of him, clasping my bra into place. "Go to sleep" I ordered and bolted out the room, closing the door behind me. "Addy! That's not fair" I heard Harry whine from inside and I let out a giggle "I will get you back for this, sweetheart" Harry's smug words made my breath hitch in my throat - oh fuck.

hope you enjoyed the chapter :))) dw there will be time for Harry and Jason to come face to face, for now let's just deal with Madeline

this probably didn't live up to your expectations... :(

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