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It's been an entire week since I last spoke to my father and now as I look across the room to where he was standing, aiding my mother, I couldn't help but feel guilty for talking to him in that manner. Turns out I forgot to stop Carter from planning out my 21st birthday. "Go talk to him" Harry's arm slipped around my waist "I can't, I'm afraid to" I sighed "I spoke to him in such a rude tone, I don't think he'd ever forgive me" I downed the champagne I was drinking "He's your father, Addy. He can't stay mad at you" Harry said in an assuring voice "I still can't believe he did that. It's disgusting and him trying to defend himself doesn't excuse the fact that he cheated on my mother. She's been sick for months and he didn't even bother about telling me, only when she tried to kill herself then he does. I'm tired of this" A heavy breath left my lips as I ended off.

"Don't think about it, okay. For now, just enjoy the party and when you feel like it, you can go talk to him. I'm sure he's forgiven you already" Harry kissed my temple and I melted into his arms. A few moments later, I was stood in front of a three tier cake, the candles created a soft glow as they dimmed the lights. I made a wish and blew them out followed by a round of applause as my friends and family chorused in the traditional birthday song. I fiddled with my fingers, standing in front of them, not knowing what to do and I searched in the crowd of people to find Harry but he wasn't there. When the little celebration was over, I went in search of him, I walked out of the terrace - which was where the party was held - to find him standing inside the building. Seeing him on the phone, I left him to it and headed back out to the terrace.

"So, how'd you like the party so far?" Carter walked up to me, giving me a tight hug and I whacked her shoulder "You know I don't like this" She shrugged before pointing out with a knowing smile "Well, you did promise you won't stop me from planning anything" I groaned, remembering our deal from when I met the art school's dean. "How do you remember everything?" She chuckled "I just do" I rolled my eyes playfully "However, thank you for planning this party, it wasn't needed but thank you, Carter" I hugged her again "You're welcome, Addy" She tightened her hold on me until Ethan's cheery voice broke us apart "Girl on girl, I'm still into it, you know" I rolled my eyes at him and Carter scolded him "We're never going to do that, Ethan" He pouted before laughing a little, "Anyway, happy birthday, Addy" I thanked him with a smile when Harry joined my side.

"Everything okay?" I asked quietly, his arm going around my back "Yeah, nothing to worry about" He passed me a small smile and kissed the side of my head "Who would've thought that you two would date? No one" Ethan chuckled, gesturing between Harry and I "Why is that so surprising?" Harry questioned while I sighed in resignation "I mean, for starters, Addy hated your living guts" I narrowed my eyes at Ethan and Carter nudged his side "Ethan" She hissed and I glanced up at Harry, this shadow casted over his face as he raised an eyebrow at me, I passed him a sheepish grin - it's not like he didn't know this. "Did she now?" Harry squeezed my side as a smirk made its way to his lips "Yeah, she did. She'd rant about your arrogance all the time" I gave Carter a look "Okay, babe, seems like you've had a lot to drink, let's go get you some water" I breathed in relief when Carter pulled him away.

"Are you mad?" I turned to face Harry "I'm not, he's right, I was a total asshole to you in the beginning" He said, surprising me in the process "Yeah, you were" I agreed with a chuckle "Wow, thanks for easing my guilt" Harry rolled his eyes "Aw, don't worry, your arrogance is what drew me to you in the first place" I smiled and placed a kiss to his cheek. Soon we were all sat down at the dinner table, I took my seat at the end with Harry next to me while Carter and Ethan were across us. Thankfully, the table was slightly high as Harry's left hand went unnoticed when he placed it between my thighs. "Don't make a sound" Harry whispered and even though I knew what he was going to do, I still let out a sharp gasp as he thrusted his middle finger inside me "Bad move, sweetheart" He drawled out and I kept my left hand to my lap, giving off the illusion that I was holding his hand.

"Seriously, right now?" I asked, leaning my head on his arm "Right now" He smirked while I tried to finish my meal. Harry sported a nonchalant expression which made my lips twist with envy, he managed to keep his arm straight and immobile while his wrist was the only thing that moved. "Oh fuck, that feels so good" I whimpered, going against Harry's orders of keeping quiet. He pumped his hand faster and I slid down my seat, giving him more access as I parted my legs further. "Relax, baby" Harry muttered, leaning towards me before placing a kiss to my cheek. I hummed in response, stuffing my face so to not moan out loud. Adding another finger, he increased his pace and curled them inside me, "Harry, please" I groaned, biting my lip and he looked at me from the side of his eye "Do you want to be punished, Addy?"

I widened my eyes, not making a sound feeling my toes curl at the idea of being punished. My breathing turned rapid as I reached my orgasm, Harry's fingers were still thrusting into and out of me in a feverish manner, my legs had turned to jelly and I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from screaming. I grabbed onto Harry's arm with my free hand and let out a muffled groan, the smirk on his face made me want to punch him and I climaxed, feeling the liquid spill along my thighs down to my legs, thankfully I was using a black dress. Harry removed his fingers from me, casually wiping them off with a napkin, because he obviously couldn't lick his fingers - something he usually does - which was dripping with my cum in front of everyone and then focused on his meal thereafter. I gathered my bearings as dinner came to an end, our rendezvous went unnoticed by the chattering guests seated around us. The caterers took our empty dishes away and brought in dessert.

Dessert went on for the next few minutes with banter shared between my family members, whom of which I had introduced Harry to, seeing him squirm under the scrutiny of my family was satisfying. The table had been cleared aside to make room for a dance floor, couples huddled together while the youngsters jumped around. Harry had went to attend to yet another phone call and I stared at my parents, Mom seemed tired while my father looked on edge. I mustered up my courage before walking towards them, "Addy" Mom smiled brightly as she saw me, she didn't deserve the cold shoulder I've been giving them. I melted into her open arms, sighing in content as she hugged me closer to her chest "Happy birthday, honey" Her voice turned hoarse "Thank you, Momma. How are you feeling?" I took a seat next to her "Much better, the chemotherapy seems to be having an effect" She said and even though her treatment is working, she's gone so pale.

Her usual locks were covered in a bandana as her hair began falling and her manicured nails were now brittle, I took her frail hands in mine before speaking, having tears well up in my eyes "I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most, I should have been there to take care of you" She shook her head and cupped my cheeks, her thumbs wiping off my tears "You were there, you don't have to apologize, Addy" Mom looked at me teary-eyed before continuing "We didn't want to distract you from your studies by telling you about my sickness. I know how much you stress about the little things so that's why I stopped your father from calling you home the minute we found out" I sighed in resignation "Mom, your health is much more important than my studies, maybe I could have helped prevent it from getting too far" I said the last part as I glanced up at my father.

"Addy, there's nothing you could have done" He spoke up, his hands rested on my mother's shoulders "You don't know that" Mom's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at our exchange and by that, I understood that he didn't tell her that I found out about his extramarital affair. "We should get going by the way, it's getting late and I have to take my medication" Mom declared, seeming to notice the uncomfortable tension between my father and I. "This way, sweetheart" Dad said as he held her, guiding her out of the terrace. I walked with them to as far as the door when my arm was pulled by one of my aunts. "Come and join us, Addy" She kindly asked, I nodded and followed her to the dance floor.

"Are you okay?" Carter found me, holding my hands in hers "Yeah, Mom is okay but a little pale. Her medication is working though, so that's some good news" I said and she passed me a small smile "That's good, she'll be fine, Ads. What about your dad?" I sighed and shrugged "I don't know, there's still tension between us and I know for a fact that Mom noticed it. I don't want to stress her out any further so I'm going to go about everything like how it was, normal" She nodded in understanding, it felt good to have a non-judgmental friend again. Arms wrapped around my waist causing my back to meet a rock hard chest, I tilted my head with a smile as I leaned into Harry's embrace "Wanna head out?" He whispered with the ghost of a smirk on his lips, the both of us swayed to the music and I locked my fingers with his, I nodded eagerly "Yes please"

almost 2k words so I'll stop there. next up. smutville.

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