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I hope you have reread the previous chapter as when I published, a third quarter of the chapter was missing, idk how that happened but I published it again with the whole chapter intact. If you haven't reread it, please do so now otherwise you might be even more confused. Thank you :)

Step father? That's the first time, since I've come to know Harry, that he's mentioned anything related to his family. As I think of it, I know nothing about him. I didn't speak a word for the next few hours after Harry said that and by the looks of it, I think he was relieved that I hadn't questioned him further. It's not that I was completely dumbfounded at his revelation, maybe a tiny bit, but my mind went into overdrive as I began wondering what Harry's past must've been like; his childhood, siblings, his parents, his whole life.

"This day shall go down in history" Harry quipped and I frowned, facing him "Huh?" I glanced out the window to find the sky now a dull shade of gray "You haven't spoken in hours, quite the record" Harry said, changing gears and I sighed "Yeah, I was just thinking about something" I watched him nod from my peripheral vision "About?" I looked up towards him "Why are you interested all of a sudden?" I crossed my arms against my chest "No need to get all riled up, I'm just trying to make conversation but if you don't want that then okay" He shrugged and I frowned again, wondering how his mood just swings.

"I was just thinking about what you said" I sighed, looking at him cautiously to gauge his reaction "Don't worry about it or him. As soon as we're back in Washington, he'll be far away from all of us, from you" He said, muttering the last two words to himself but I heard him. "This weather is just so damn frustrating" I changed the topic, a groan leaving my lips as I noticed the trees bustle "Good thing we're going shopping so you can get a change of clothes because your stupidity got the better of you" He pointedly said and I gawked at him "Excuse me?" I shoved at his arm "Woah, watch it. I'm driving here" He glanced in my direction, a smug grin on his face.

"Rude bastard" I grumbled "Aw, I love it when you call me with such endearments" I rolled my eyes and Harry parked the Jeep, getting off at the mall and I followed suit. Surprisingly, there was a mall in the middle of nowhere, I hugged the hoodie closer to me as the chilling air pricked at my skin and made my teeth chatter "Christ, you're freezing" Harry exclaimed before he pulled me through the entrance doors. I sighed in content once we were inside, the mall was warm and quaint. "Alright, clothing store over there" Harry gestured to something that looked like 'The Gap', I nodded and walked towards it.

"These clothes are so cool, eighties style still rocks" I gushed and Stranger Things came to my mind. I then grabbed a few articles of clothing that I liked, and of my size, before I headed into the fitting room to try them on "Ugh, are you going to take forever, again" Harry groaned as he walked behind me, I faced him to find his head thrown back and I rolled my eyes at him "Live a little, maybe this will be practice for when you actually have a girlfriend or wife in the far future" I chuckled and found an empty room, Harry flipped me off and then assumed a seat outside the fitting rooms and began scrolling through his phone.

A half hour later, I placed all the clothes into the shopping basket and made my way to the paypoint. "Done?" Harry stood up, I'm quite surprised by his calm and collected behavior "Yeah" I tiredly answered, rubbing my face as my body ached from sitting in the car for so long, since I'm not used to it. "What are you doing?" I tensed when I felt Harry's hands kneading my shoulders "Relax" I obeyed and held myself back from moaning as his skillful fingers worked their way along my body. I watched the cashier ring up my clothes, placing them into a paper bag, Harry now stood beside me, looking at little tubs of lip balm.

The 5 minute massage was short-lived but soothing. I rose an eyebrow at the cashier, her attention had been focused on Harry and I tapped my foot on the ground, impatiently waiting to get my card back. "Excuse me?" I clicked my fingers in front of her doe eyed face which only caused me to roll my eyes, yet again. I stalked up to Harry, grabbing his collar and pulled him down as my mouth met his. Heatedly, he kissed me back and let out a soft grunt against my lips, his hands gripped onto my waist as he pulled me closer to him, my chest pressed against his. His tongue found its way into my mouth, tangling with my own as I stood on my tip toes.

"What was that for?" He asked, breathless when I pulled away "Just felt like it" I passed him a soft smile, pecking his lips before going back to the cashier, well aware that her eyes had been on Harry the entire time. I smirked when I found the dreamy look her face once held to have disappeared, "My card, please" I placed my hand out and she handed it back to me, I slipped it into the casing of my phone "Thank you for such great customer service" I said, sarcasm laced my tone and I headed out the store, Harry behind me. "Wow, you're one jealous person" Harry tossed his keys as we reached his Jeep "Am not" I scoffed

"Oh yeah, I knew the cashier was looking at me but I didn't bother to do anything, in fact, every woman in the store was" Harry stood in front of me, his form now towered over mine "You got jealous and that's why you kissed me, one of your best if I might add" He smirked, his plump lips were pink and inviting. I shook my head and averted my gaze from his mouth, "You're delusional" I held open the back door of the car, throwing the paper bag onto the seat then grabbed a pair of tights "I'm going to change" I headed back into the mall to find a restroom. Finding one, I stripped off my shorts and changed into the tights, grinning as my legs were engulfed with warmth. I opened the stall door and gasped in fright seeing the person on the other end.

Also wtf the previous chapters got nearly 1K views each, I swear to God I'm mind blown and so overwhelmed with all the attention CF is receiving like 10 chapters ago, I wanted to delete this book bc I was anxious on whether it'll do well and now I'm so damn thankful for you guys!

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