• 69 •

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lol 69, I actually had planned smut for this chapter but I guess that ain't gonna happen...

also to those of you, who have lost someone dear to you, be it a family member or a pet or even been through a low point in your life where you just feel like nothing is right and you feel like you're breaking bit by bit, just know that you're STRONG and I'm proud of you for pulling through during those tough times. everyone experiences this kind of pain differently, no one can understand it, it's the kind of hurt that's unique to each individual. you're still standing irrespective of everything that's happened to you and I wish you nothing but the best. all the love x

"Good luck, Harry" I gave him a small smile as he slipped on his jacket, pushing the hood over his head "Thank you" He kissed my lips longingly "I'll see you at the end as the new and youngest boxing champion" He winked before he was whisked away by his bodyguards. I walked out to the arena, taking my seat behind the barriers and I watched Harry step into the ring with a proud smile on my face. The last week was rather terrifying, having Harry by my side - whispering I've got you multiple times to assure me that I'm not alone - being supportive and patient was what held me together. I don't think that I'd be here in this arena, in one piece, if I had gone through that without him. He's been there not only for me but for my father as well and I'm thankful for that, he did something that I couldn't bring myself to do.

The bell rang and the match began, I put my focus on that, watching as Harry maneuvered his way around the ring, throwing punches at his opponent whenever he could. I cheered along with the crowd when Harry backed his opponent up against the corner of the ring, his back muscles rippled with each punch. Eventually, the referee broke them apart and the third round started - the final round in Harry's books. Harry's built was much smaller than his opponent, something I found rather interesting, becoming the youngest to win this championship would be just another notch in his belt. I stood to my feet with bated breath, my fingers were crossed as the commentators rang the bell and the third round began. Harry didn't waste time in throwing a punch at his opponent - whose name I didn't learn. He did however seem pissed off at Harry, the snarl on his face and frustration in his eyes made me worried for my boyfriend.

I gasped out loud at the menacing look on Harry's face as he came into my view, his eyes flitted to the crowd finding mine before he focused on his opponent again. Harry's opponent jerked his arm back and I squeezed my eyes shut only to hear the bell ring multiple times a few minutes later. The crowd erupted in their usual volcanic screams, chanting Harry's surname. I opened my eyes to find him next to the referee, his arm being lifted above his head as his chest heaved. He won. A grin spread on my lips, watching him in all his glory, the smirk on his face was evident with sweat dripping from his forehead and down his body. His eyes found mine again, doing what he always does, and he winked causing a giggle to leave my mouth. Everyone dispersed once Harry got off the ring, little kids started surrounding him and I watched the surprised look on his face as they shoved notebooks in front of him.

I stood at the entrance that leads backstage, feeling a little proud that he's all mine. Mine and no one else's. I laughed as he tried to push his way through the crowd of people but only ended up being sucked back in, eventually his bodyguards got to him from around the people and pushed them aside, making way for him to walk. He thanked the people who I would now call as his 'fans' then turned to walk away, his gaze fell on me before he started taking determined steps towards me, a bright smile on his face "Harry, you have a press conference after this" Louis stopped him in his tracks but he paid no attention instead he picked up his pace and I couldn't help but blush as he grabbed me by waist, and lifted me off the floor. I slung my arms over his sweaty shoulders, a bubbly giggle left my throat and he took my lips in his. "I won" He whispered and I hummed "I'm so proud of you, babe" I nudged my nose against his, not failing to take note of the flashes around us.

The last time Harry and I were published in a tabloid together, I was beyond furious then he brought the fake dating proposal to me and now I'm actually glad that he saved my clumsy ass from being stomped over. There's a specific rule that boxers aren't allowed to do which Harry just broke by picking me up and kissing me, sort of like when celebrities are caught doing something that could tarnish their name. My father gave him a warning look, I don't understand the rule because he's not doing anything unlawful, Harry brushed it aside and set me to my feet before slinging his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards his changing room.

"Addy, can I talk to you?" I heard my father walk into the room, I looked up from my phone, towards Harry who shrugged. "Sure" I nodded and stood from my seat, leaving Harry to get his belongings packed. I followed my father into the next room, which I noted was actually an office "What do you want to talk about?" I stood awkwardly at the doorway, my hands shoved in the pockets of my jacket "I know that you've been avoiding me because of what you found out and I don't know how to make everything go back to normal. I already lost your mother, I don't want to lose you too" He started, his voice soft and nurturing. I didn't say anything except feel guilty for my actions, I haven't exactly been the best daughter. "Will you ever find it in yourself to forgive me? I've repented every day since I made that mistake and I know that's not enough. I-" I cut him off by walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his back

"I forgive you but it doesn't mean that I won't forget. It hurt a lot to see my family disintegrate right before my eyes. Losing Mom was the hardest thing I've ever gone through, it's only us now and we're the only ones for each other" I spoke, leaning my cheek against Dad's chest, hearing the rapid beating of his heart start to decrease "Thank you, sweetheart. I promise I will make this up to you. I'm so sorry for everything" He whispered into my hair, his body relaxing in my embrace, I nodded and hugged him tighter. "Aw, look, they made up. How sweet" I turned around with a frown to find a very loopy Harry standing at the doorway, "I thought you two would never see eye to eye again" He wobbled into the room and I heard my father chuckle from behind me "Harry?" I questioned warily "Baby?" He used the same tone, placing his hands to his hips and I broke his fall as he stumbled towards me.

"What is this?" I asked my father "A very high dosage of painkillers and relaxants, it'll wear out in a half hour, it's just to calm his body from the events of tonight. Although, he's meant to be in his changing room, lying down. We don't really pay attention to anything he says when he's this drowsy" He explained and I nodded in understanding "But I'm here, I was looking for you and you weren't there, I thought someone took you away from me" Harry coddled me to his chest, his hands holding either side of my head and then he poked my father's chest "You see this girl here" Harry started, using his other hand to pat my head "She's mine and if you ever, I mean it, if you ever break her heart again, I will end you" Harry threatened, his voice slurred and I bit my lip from smiling "I promise to not break her heart" Dad agreed "Good boy, Jones" Harry laughed and put his entire weight on me, nearly tackling me to the floor until Louis and two other men pulled him off.

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