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"You're going to be fine" I placed my hand over Carter's as she bounced her leg, I squeezed her hand in response to her jittery state. "Are you sure you want this though?" She nodded, breathing in deeply then exhaling "I'm sure, I have my career ahead of me and I know that Ethan thinks the same, a baby would just ruin everything" I nodded slowly and waited until Carter's name was called. I glanced around the waiting room, reading over the nearby charts on abortions, the advantages and disadvantages of it. Carter sat next to me, sniffling from time to time and I held her hand tighter. She hadn't told Ethan about the baby as yet, I disagreed with her decision of aborting the baby without telling him first but Carter had made up her mind - for the both of them.

"Can you come in there with me?" She asked and I nodded instantly "Of course" I will be there as her pillar of support even though I don't like that she's doing this without Ethan. Carter's name was called a few moments later and I stood with her, following the nurse into a hallway and to a surgical room. We were both sterilized and I was given scrubs to use. My latex covered hand was encased in Carter's as she lied on the the surgical seat, a female doctor was at the end of it holding Carter's legs apart. I didn't pay attention to what they were doing, keeping my focus on Carter "You're doing great, Car" I assured her and I watched her swallow hard as tears fell down the corners of her eyes. After a few more minutes, the procedure was over and Carter was allowed to leave with the given instructions by the doctor on how to take care of herself in the upcoming days.

I decided to take her to the mall so to get her mind of the situation, hoping that it would be a good distraction. "Oh, this is lovely" She cooed at a cashmere blouse "Try it on" I smiled and she nodded before going to the changing room, I waited outside for her. "Hey" I spoke, answering my phone "Hey, how is your day so far?" I heard Harry sigh on the other end, he was at the training center, his breath sounded raggered "It's okay, I'm at the mall with Carter" I played with the ripped edges of my jeans "How is she?" He asked, concern in his tone "She's hanging in there, we just finished at the clinic so I brought her to the mall to distract her. I tried talking her out of the abortion, telling her to speak to Ethan first but she had her mind set" I sighed, frustrated at not being able to get through to Carter's stubbornness.

"Wait, she didn't tell him as yet?" Harry asked "No, she decided for the both of them that this abortion was the right thing to do" I answered "Oh, wow. Well, when you're done, come to the center" I whined "Why?" Harry chuckled "I want to see you, that's why. I promise, I won't put you on the mat" He said I sighed, agreeing to go to the training center after we're done at the mall. I hung up as Carter walked out the changing room, "I don't like it very much" She shrugged and put the blouse back onto the rack. "Okay, let's get something to eat. I'm starving" She nodded in agreement "Me too" I linked my arm with hers as we headed off to the food court, choosing a Chinese restaurant to eat in.

"So, how did you and Harry make your fake relationship into a real one?" She asked once we placed our orders. I was surprised at her choice of topic, "Well it just happened" I sipped my drink that the waitress brought over "We were together on the day you called to tell me when you'll be arriving and he suggested it" I shrugged "He suggested it?" She raised a brow and I nodded, knowing she's doing this to distract her mind but I can sense her judgment "Yes, why's that a problem?" I sighed and Carter shook her head "Not a problem at all, I was just wondering why he didn't ask you instead of suggesting a relationship. Does he know how things work?"

"Of course he does, he did it in his own way and I'm fine with that. Either way he's my boyfriend, an actual one too" I shrugged, dismissing the topic instantly. "You probably think that I'm not happy for you, I am happy for you. Harry's a good guy but there's just certain things about him that make me think otherwise" I frowned "Like what?" Our meals arrived and I immediately dug in, subsiding my pangs of hunger "Like why does he stay alone?" I raised an eyebrow at her "Is that the only thing you're worried about? He stays alone by choice, living in a fraternity just seems immature to him" I answered.

Lunch went by in complete silence, Carter and I made our way to the parking lot. I retrieved my keys - well Harry's since I was using his Jeep - from my bag when my shoulder was shoved forward. "Hey, watch it!" I yelled at the person who bumped into me, I rolled my eyes catching the sight of Madeline "Sorry, didn't see you there" She smiled and skipped off to a Hummer, the windows were tinted but I could clearly see through the windshield. Madeline got into the vehicle, my breath hitched in my throat as I watched her lean towards the man sitting in the driver's seat. His lips morphed into a smirk while his eyes stayed focus on mine, he leaned towards Madeline and reached his hand up to wrap around her neck. I watched as she purposely rolled her eyes to the back of her head before being kissed by him.

They shared a laugh then drove off, their taunting actions made bile rise in my throat. I lunged towards the nearest shrub and emptied my stomach, feeling a knot clench in my abdomen. "Was that?" I heard Carter, her hand rubbed my back and I stood to my height, wiping my mouth with my sleeve "Jason" I answered, my voice sounded airy from not breathing for a while. I felt suffocated in my own skin, memories of him choking me flooded my mind and I could still feel his fingers tightening around my neck. "With Madeline?" She voiced the question that was in my head and I nodded "It's actually no surprise, really, they're perfect for each other" I scowled and got into Harry's jeep, Carter followed suit and I sped off to the training center.

I walked into the center, Carter behind me and I heard her awe at the sight of all the training machines and other equipment. "Hey, sweetheart" Dad greeted and I passed him a small smile, noticing Amy walk up to us, handing my father a clipboard on which he signed a few papers then she headed back to her desk "What's wrong?" Harry approached us, his forehead was sweaty "Nothing, just thought I'd stop by" I told my father and he smiled "That's nice of you and hello, Carter" He greeted the mesmerized girl next to me, Carter hasn't been inside the center hence her shocked state. Dad walked away and Harry raised his brow, "What's the actual problem?" I stuttered with my words "I saw Jason" Harry's eyes blazed over and I placed my hand to his chest, bringing his attention to me

"But I'm okay, he didn't do anything" I then went on to explain how I saw Madeline and that they're together. "I'm going to kill him" Harry growled and from the corner of my eye, I noticed Carter poking at the punching bag, "How is that going to solve anything?" I gave him a bored look "I don't know but what I do know is that I don't want him anywhere near you or I swear, I will rip his limbs apart" Harry's darkened tone caused a shiver to run down my spine and surprisingly, I felt slightly aroused by it. "Anyway, I need to punch something" I clenched and unclenched my fists, a smirk formed on Harry's face "You're turned on for some reason" I furrowed my brows, wondering how he knew that "Sweetheart, I can see your hardened nipples through your shirt" I looked down to my top and true to his words, my nipples were erect.

I mentally cursed tight-fitting clothes, Harry chuckled and I walked off to my father's office. I grabbed the bag of clothes I left here the last time, considering that my father makes me train every time I visit the center. I went into the changing rooms, stripped off my clothes and put on the sports bra and tights. I reached for the extra set of boxing gloves that my father got me and strapped them on. "You look hot" Carter whistled when I walked out and I chuckled softly, meeting Harry in the boxing ring. He smirked and nodded his head, "Jones" I knocked my gloves together and cracked my neck "Styles, let's dance" I jerked my arm back, throwing a punch to the mit surrounding his right hand.

uhm, I didn't like this v much. I'm sorry :( it's been an off day

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