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Mood rn : watching the above gif on repeat (even though it is on a continuous loop)

I hope you reread the previous chapter as wattpad messed with me again and the last paragraph got deleted

"Adeline, your phone's ringing" I groaned, waving my hand as if not interested "Just answer it, I hate your ring tone" I lifted my head off of Harry's chest with a gasp "Don't you dare say anything bad about The 1975" I warned him and attended to my beckoning phone, seeing Carter's name flash across the screen. "Hey" I answered and her face appeared "You look tired" She greeted and I rolled my eyes "That's because I am and you're glowing, where are you guys now?" She beamed with excitement before flipping the camera "You're in Rome?!" I squealed and sat up on the bed, throwing my legs over the edge "I know and don't worry, I've taken plenty of pictures and videos to last you a lifetime. I know how much you wanted to visit here" Carter said and we went on talking about what happened in our lives so far.

"Why is your arm twisted like that?" Carter laughed, pointing in the direction of my left arm and I shook my head "Just scratching my back, I might have picked up a rash from a new sweater I bought, you know how some materials can be" I gritted my teeth because I had my arm twisted behind me, swatting away Harry's hand since he began tracing over my tattoo. The sensation of his fingers on my skin was ticklish and it drove me crazy. "Hey guys, dinner is here" Corbin called from the other end of the door "Who was that?" I pursed my lips, watching Carter raise her brow at me "That was Corbin, from the football team" I answered truthfully "Go on" She said, knowing there's more to it.

I then went on to explain where I am and how I decided to come on the ski trip, "Hi Carter" Harry waved, resting his chin on my shoulder as Carter sighed in response "Just be safe, okay. I'm already not there to beat Harry's ass if he does something stupid" I laughed and Harry rolled his eyes "Have a little faith in me, Carter. I told you that I won't do anything to hurt her" A warm yet tingling feeling spread across my chest at what Harry said. I turned my head to look at him, "You said that?" He shrugged, the action being felt against my back as he sat up behind me "Yeah, it's a promise" Harry smiled before pecking my lips quickly "I'll see you in the dining room" He said then got off the bed, pulling on his shirt and headed out the room.

"What was that?" I felt heat rise to my cheeks at Carter's question, her lips were pulled into a teasing smirk and her eyes glistened in delight "Nothing, it was a simple kiss" I shrugged "No, that was not nothing, that was an I'm-falling-in-love-with-you kiss" Carter gasped before smacking her hand to her mouth. I laughed at her actions, after explaining to her that I can handle myself if anything goes wrong and that Harry isn't that bad of a person, she relented and decided to keep bay from poking her nose in our relationship. "Addy, do you like as in like-like him?" She asked, solemn in her tone and I sighed "I don't know, I mean I have that feeling but I don't want it to be real" I explained, picking at the ends of my ripped jeans.

"All I'm going to say is be careful, think about yourself first, okay" Carter spoke softly and I nodded, ending the call thereafter. With a sigh, I got off the bed and made my way to the dining room. "Something smells great" I commented as I took my seat "Turns out Chick-fil-A delivers here" Dylan replied with a laugh and I passed him a small smile before serving myself. "We weren't sure what you'd like so we ordered everything on the menu" I nearly choke thinking about the total on the receipt "Wow, that's a lot" I told Hailey and she shrugged. Dinner went on quietly, Dylan sat with a pout the entire time as he tried continuously to touch Hailey but she smacked his hand away. Seems like she's really mad at him.

I watched Corbin and Harry share a knowing look, the both of them laughing under their breath as they stared at Dylan and Hailey, using their eyebrows to communicate with each other. Their exchange left me amazed. "Why are you two laughing like that?" I finally questioned Harry, poking his side with my fork "What you're about to see if the actual height that a guy would go to just so he can get laid" I rose my brows in surprise "Basically, Dylan will become this lovesick puppy for Hailey. He'll do anything she says, be it dress up in her clothes or wash the bus until she's happy with his slavery" I tilted my head in interest "Wow, that's rather interesting"

"It's fucking stupid. She's being ridiculous, she knows he has a habit of doing that yet she's still with him. It's not the first time he's taken another girl's name, if she leaves him it will be a good riddance for all of us" Harry said with a roll of his eyes "If I was with a girl and she spills out another guy's name while I'm fucking her, it's going to piss me off till a point where I will just leave but then I guess love is really blind" I picked at my food as I listened to Harry's blatant choice of words. Do I really like him? I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts and finished my meal, the grumbling of my stomach subsided.

I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, wiping off the makeup I used today, I don't usually put on makeup like the rest of the girls I know but thanks to one green eyed man, I have a trail of hickeys on my neck. I wiped off my eyeliner when two masculine hands gripped onto my hips causing my body to jump in fright. I opened my eyes and kept the wipes aside finding Harry staring at me through the mirror, his eyes were full of mirth, no doubt based upon my reaction to his touch. "Don't do that! I told you plenty of times to not sneak up behind me" I warned and he spun me around, picking me up onto the counter top as he pushed himself between my legs.

"Where's the fun in that? I find pleasure in watching your body tense when I touch you" He smirked and I locked my legs around him. "Are you still mad at me for earlier?" I asked gently and Harry's fingers ran up and down my thighs in a tender manner. "No, I'm not" He shook his head and I nodded "I was just confused by everything like I had a feeling it won't last as if it was just for now and when we leave this place, you're going to go back to how you were" I went on, voicing my thoughts and Harry sighed "I will admit, you irk me a lot but that's what I enjoy the most. It's like a challenge for me. I will also admit that I didn't like you before, I always thought of you to be bratty based on who your father is but now it's different"

I frowned as I looked at the 22 year old in front of me, "So what you're saying is that now, you like me?" My hands were folded on my lap, my fingers were interlocking with each other in nervousness "Yeah, I guess you could say that" Harry's answer caused my breath to hitch in my throat, my eyes widened slightly and he raised his hand to my face, repeating his action of twirling my hair around his finger.

Well. Well. Well...

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